Ch. 3 : Tough situation

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"What the bloody hell is going on?!" Yelled James "It's the time machine!" Lily squealed excitedly "can't you see? We pushed the buttons and now we're here!" " descriptive" replied James, rolling his eyes "wait" began Rose "what exactly is the difference between a time machine and a time turner?" "Simple" stated Lily "one is a machine and the other is a necklace!" "Yeah Rose" Albus said sarcastically to which Rose just glared and elbowed him in the ribs "ow..." Al said rubbing his side " so what do we do now?" Hugo piped up "we go back." Said Rose sternly "How?" Albus asked "the same way we came" Rose replied "obviously" Albus snarled at her remark "okay then genius bring us back" Rose picked up the small golden orb and examined it, it was about the size of a basketball, it was lights and made of gold colored metal and a couple multi colored buttons scattered about "what the...?" Mumbled Rose "Lily? How exactly does this thing work?" Lily shrugged "I dunno. The instructions didn't make sense so I didn't bother to read them..." Rose faceplamed "so you have no idea how to get back?" Lily frowned and shook her head "k well we can figure this out I mean how hard could it be?" Said Albus. The sun began to set and the wind began to pick up- alot. A strong gust of wind blew through the outside corridor, knocking the machine out of Rose's hands. They all watched in fear as the ball crashed on the cement and and broke into about 50 little pieces. "Well what now?!" Albus had fear in his eyes  "relax" James spoke "we'll just find someone to help us fix it" "who are we gonna find, and what are we gonna say?"  Rose began "hey we're from the future and we were wondering if you could help us fix our time machine?" "Works for me" replied james. Rose rolled her eyes "fine" they turned and walked down the windy corridor and into the castle. The made sure nobody was around so they could slip in unnoticed "c'mon" James said in a hushed voice, signaling with his hands for the gang to follow him  "where are we going?" Asked Lily quietly, she was somewhat distracted by the ginormous castle. She had never been to Hogwarts before and she was finally seeing the school in person.
They stopped when they got to the great hall. Lily and Hugo looked around in awe. "Okay" started James "here's the plan, we-" before he could finish his sentence someone walked past them, bumping into him. He turned to find a young boy, around his age with glasses and a lightning shaped scar hidden beneath a curtain of messy black hair. "Sorry!" He said as turned to face them. The five kids just stared in awe. "Yeah, yeah," came a bored voice "Harry potter, the boy who lived, keep walking" the kids diverted their attention to a redheaded teen. "Honestly Ronald, they're just kids, be nice" the kids whirled around to see a bushy haired brunette. All the kids said the same line "uh oh"

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