Chapter 7: Smoke

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"Ah! What? What? Where am I?"

As she looked around the room, all she saw was debris and junk piled everywhere.

"Where am I? M-m-Mom!!! Dad!!! R-Riley!!!"


"RILEY, STOP!" Screamed Adam as he ran towards me.


"Uh!" I said as I felt a force hit me in the side.

I misfired.

Adam had tackled me to the ground.

"Adam! What the hell!" I screamed.

"Riley, are you crazy? You could have killed yourself!" Dean yelled to me.

"What do you think I was trying to do? Dumb-" As I said before I was interrupted.

"For God sake Riley, you are insane." Adam said.

They took me back to my tent and sat me down on my bed.

"Riley, can you tell us what happened?" Dean asked.

I sat in silence.

"Riley, tell us what happened." Adam said.

I said nothing.

"Hmm... Alright... We'll leave you here until you ready to speak. Just... Don't be scared to talk to us, okay?" Dean said.

I nodded my head.

They both walked out of the tent and zipped it shut.

As they left, I had a tear roll down my face as I thought about what had happened.

I blamed myself for it. I knew what I had done. I killed him...


The Next Day


"Riley... Come on Riley... Get up!"

I had fallen asleep after hours of thinking about his death. I saw Adam standing in front of me trying to get me to wake up.

"Riley," He said, "get up! We have to leave. The forest is on fire!"

When he said that, I jumped straight out of bed and started packing my things.

"Riley! There's no time for that! Let's go!" Adam screamed.

I still packed everything in the tent in my bag, including our weapons.

We both ran out of the tent, smoke covering the area. All I could see was a very bright flash behind us, which was the fire.

"Adam! Where's Dean?" I yelled, as trees started falling.

"I'll tell you later! Let's go!" Adam screamed.

We ran.

And just like that, our camp was engulfed in flames.

The area surrounding the camp was caught in the flames.

I kept looking back, but Adam kept on running.

"Riley, come on!" Adam yelled.

I turned around and started to run with Adam.

And that was it.

The camp was gone.

Just like that.



After a while of running with Adam, we couldn't see the flame anymore. Just the smoke in the air.

"Alright, I think we're safe." Adam said.

"We're never safe..." I muttered under my breath.

We sat for a while.

Then I noticed a small hole in my bag. Not big enough for anything to fall out, but it was still a hole.

I noticed something sticking out of it. A handle of some sort.

I opened the bag and took out what was sticking out of the bag.

It was my Dad's 10mm Pistol.

I had set it on the rock in front of me. But as I did, a small part of the gun caught my eye. A small silver plate was attached to the side of it. Something had been engraved on it.

It read:


My Darling

That was my mother's name. Before I knew it, I was in tears.

Adam, still out of breath, went and patted me on the shoulder.

"Riley... I'm sorry."

"It's alright." I said.

I knew it wasn't alright. Nothing was "alright".

It was terrible.

No Peace: Walking Dead Story Vol. 2 (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now