Raphael imagine for Ameliapll

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Name: Nicola 

Age: 16

Appearance: dark brown hair with red streaks, light brown eyes, freckles

Other details: idk (just let me know)

Character: Raphael

 Plot: Simon's little sister who wants to turn into a vampire to stay with him, but he won't turn you so you turn to Raphael instead 

Relationships: friends to lovers

Mood: sad with a happy ending

Anything else: I think thats it


"Nicola no!" Simon said seriously or more like almost yelled at her "I'm not gonna turn you into vampire! I'm not gonna do that!" He said, shaking his head "No why!" 

"Why not?" Nicola asked, looking over at her older brother,Simon. "You'll be 17 forever, you'll live forever and even if I'm only 16 right now I'll grow old and die and trust me...I don't wanna die!" 

Simon closed his eyes tightly and shook his head "Vampire's are monsters. They might live forever, but they do a lot of horrible things and think only about themselves. They think how to survive. Even me" 

"That's not true! You might be vampire but you have a good heart! I know that you do! Like right now you just want to protect me! You probably think that I'm still a little girl, but I'm not! Not anymore. Please, Simon..I just don't wanna lose you. You are my older brother and I love you..Please" She begged as she even slowly got down on her knees.

Simon looked down at her and shook his head "ENOUGH!" He snapped as he knocked off the vase from the table in the anger. He couldn't believe that his little sister..sweet and innocent Nicola wanted to became a monster just like him and no matter how badly he actually wanted for her to stay besides himself he knew that he couldn't be selfish with her and he should actually think about the whole life she had in front of herself. After all she needed to grown older, met a boy, get married, have a children but if she would be vampire she couldn't do any of this things. Every since Nicola had found about the secret world hidden from humans eyes she couldn't help but want to be a part of it more then she already was. 

Simon stormed out from the room, leaving Nicola sitting on the floor, a sobbing mess. Simon wanted to comfort her and apologize but then he know that she wouldn't leave him alone and continue begging for him to turn her and he didn't even know how to do that in the first place plus he couldn't hurt his little sister and he would be hurting her if he would try to turn her, plus who knows..maybe she wouldn't get turned and would just get forever stuck in the middle.


 Nicola had just stayed on the floor after Simon left, crying her eyes out as her heart ached. Once she finally calmed herself down she understood that there was no use to continue asking Simon since he wouldn't give in. He was just as stuborn as her. All of suddently she got another idea. There was actually one more place where she could go and ask for the help, maybe he would understand her and actually do what she wanted insted of thinking about 'What if' 


Nicola looked up at the 'Hotel Dumort' sign as she took a deep breath and swallowed. She hoped that she would find Raphael before running into any other vampires since she was still just a simple mundane. Other vampires never liked that sometimes she was hanging out with Raphael, her best friend here. To be honest it was a little bit weird that Nicola was friends with him even after he had kiddnaped her brother in the first place but at the same time he was also the one who saved him and now he might also save her. Nicola was the only mundane who Raphael liked and who didn't got on his nerves and didn't annoyed him like Simon sometimes did even if he was a vampire now. 

"Raphael?" Nicola called quietly as she looked around and tried to spot the vampire somewhere. She just hoped that he was here and that Simon wasn't or else she would be in big trouble. 

"Nicola? What are you doing here?" Asked a voice from behind her, making her gasp and turn around quickly, but she sighed in relif when she saw that it was only Raphael. 

She put her hand over her fast beating heart "I hate when you sneak up on me" She said seriously as she smiled slightly but Raphael could anyway see that her smile was kind of forced and that something was wrong. 

"What is it, Nicola?" He asked seriously this time and it meant that this time she actually should just better answer. 

"I want you to turn me" Nicola said simply, making him frown and raise his eyebrow "Why would you want something like that?" He asked and she actually exlained him her reasons. How she didn't wanted to be alone, how she didn't wanted to die and how she wanted to be with Simon, but there was another reason too..She actually had a crush on Raphael but she knew that they couldn't be together as long as she was human. Of course she didn't told him that part. 

Raphael watched her carefully listened to her as he swallowed "Okay.." He said simply, making her eyes widen in surprise that he actually agreed so fast "But..I'm warning you that it will be very painfully" He told her seriously before just making his fangs appear as he walked towards her. Nicola closed her eyes tightly and waited. 


Nicola opened her eyes and all what she saw was dark, she felt like she was dying and she needed to get out quickly, she felt weird. She started clawing at the ground quickly as she actually managed to claw her way out from under the ground as she pushed one of her hands out and then pulled herself out as she took a deep breath even if now she didn't even needed to breath in the first place. She fell down on her knees, putting her hands over her no longer beating heart when all of suddently a blood bag landed right in front of herself. She looked down at it with wide eyes and then looked up, actually seeing Raphael 

"Drink" He simply said or more like ordered as Nicola looked down at the blood bag and grabbed it, ripping it open with her teeth and pushing it against her lips as she drinked hungrily and then another and another. 

"Raphael" She whimpered as she glanced down  at herself. She was a mess. Her dark brown hair was full with dirt just like her clothes who was also torn in some places. 

In a flash the leader of the vampires was right in front of her, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her "Shh..." He whispered in her ear "It will be okay" He added as slowly he pulled away and looked into her light brown eyes "I'm gonna help you. With everything" 

"Simon he is gonna.."But Raphael put his finger over her lips and made her to shut up "We'll deal with him" He whispered as he pulled her into his lap and then cupped her cheeks "Everything is going to be okay. I promise" He said as all of suddently he pressed his soft lips against her slightly dry ones. A rain drops started falling from the sky and landed on their skin but they didn't cared. They just continued kissing eachother. 

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