What Am I To You?

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Trigger warning: for anyone who has experienced depression, self harming and suicidal issues. Please read at your own risk. If you need a person to just vent to please please shoot me a message. Much love💜

Sebastian started to stalk towards me. As if I was the prey and he the predator. He put his hand on my cheek, but as he was leaning into kiss me he sighs.

"I have to go." He says then leave the room.

What just happened?

I soon hear shouting from just down the hallway. I peek my head out the door and see Sebastian arguing with a man I've never seen before.

"It's not happening Markus! She's not leaving!" I hear Sebastian yell.

"She's a mutt for fuck sakes Sebastian! We need a better Luna!" I frown at his comment. I soon notice a blonde sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen. She notices me looking at her and smirks.

"I may still be in love with Heather but I wouldn't trade her for Penelope! She's my mate for god sakes!" Sebastian yells. He has another lover? My heat broke at the statement.

Sebastian tenses up and looks behind him. His face softens when he notices me.

"Penelope.." He says. I shake my head and slam my door. Tears flowed down my face. I turn the lock on my door. I grabbed my phone and connected it to the speaker on my bed side table.

One of my playlist which consisted of sad songs blasted from the speaker. Which was also to the surround sound they had set up in my room. I threw open my bathrooms door and grabbed my make up bag. Pushing things around until I found the tiny little piece of metal the made my life a living hell. I just slid down my wall. I just stared at it. I haven't done this is over a year. A song I haven't heard in a few years comes on. "Toy Soldiers" by Eminem. I break down more. I toss the razor aside and start to sob so loudly.

Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
We all fall down...
Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
We all fall down like toy soldiers
Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win
But the battle wages on for toy soldiers

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