And They Return

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Third Person

It had been a week Avery had given birth to the twins Georgia-Rose and Sapphire-Maye and it happened to be the day they were returning to Emmerdale Village, none knew Avery was pregnant and they didn't know why she left or where she had gone but when she returns will they welcome her back with smiles and hugs or will they all be disappointed and not want to know her.

Ava's POV

Me and Ross had packed the car up ready to leave back to the village. The twins were now a week old and I still couldn't believe that I had them a week ago. "I can't wait for evreyone back home to meet the girls but I'm also quite scared" I admit to Ross as we sit at the kitchen table with a drink, Ross with a coffee and me with a tea.

"It will be fine babe" ross says to me making me smile. I checked the time while drinking my tea "I better go sort the girls out" I tell him kissing his cheek before heading upstairs. I enter mine and Ross's bedroom and over to the twins Moses baskets.

I gently pick Sapphire-Maye out off her Moses basket and place her on the changing Matt which I had just placed on the bed. I change her nappy and then place her into her 'Thing 2" baby grow adding the skirt to the babygrow and then adding her bow to her head. After changing sapphire I place her in the Moses basket before I then do the same thing with Georgia-Rose but instead of putting 'thing 2' baby for I put her 'thing 1' babygrow before o hold her and sapphire and take them downstairs.

 After changing sapphire I place her in the Moses basket before I then do the same thing with Georgia-Rose but instead of putting 'thing 2' baby for I put her 'thing 1' babygrow before o hold her and sapphire and take them downstairs

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Once I was downstairs I place sapphire gently into her car seat and then once again I do the same to Georgia making sure they were both belted in securely. Ross sorts Moses out aswell as the pushchair and Moses baskets before we headed back to Emmerdale village.

The car ride seemed to be longer than what it was down here and I soon found myself asleep, In the front off the car.

Third Person

A car pulled up right outside off the woolpack in Emmerdale village but who's car was it?. It was the one and only Ross Bartons.

Ross got out off his car after he had woke Avery up, once Ross woke Avery up he got the twins pushchairs out off the boot and Avery got the twins out off the car seat one by one, she started with Georgia-Rose and then she placed Sapphire-Maye into the pushchair.

Ross got out off his car after he had woke Avery up, once Ross woke Avery up he got the twins pushchairs out off the boot and Avery got the twins out off the car seat one by one, she started with Georgia-Rose and then she placed Sapphire-Maye into...

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(That's what the pushchair looks like))

Once the twins were snug in the pushchair Avery looked up at the woolpack and knew it was now Or never so she looked to her right where Ross was standing holding Moses "ready" he asked his girlfriend and all she could do was nod.

Avery pushed the twins pushchair inside the woolpack causing Evreything to go quite and all eyes on her "Avery" Chas says seeing her daughter walk into the pub with a pram

Ava's PoV

I walked into the woolpack while pushing my girls, once I was inside everything went quite and all eyes were on me, "Avery!" Mum says to me in a sorta shout. The twins were asleep in the pushchair.

"Hi mum" I say nervously "where have you been! And who are these" mum asks me as calmly as she could 'I was down by the beach" I start off by saying "and these are my twins" I start off by saying when Ross enters the pub.

I look up to him and he nods reassuringly "their our twins" I correct myself "is that why you left" mum asks me and I nod. Soon charity walks in from the back and Aaron walking in from outside.

"Ross Where Have You Been With My Son" charity bellows while Aaron stand next to me as if he was in shock. "Ava where have you been, we have all been so worried about you" Aaron says putting an arm around me.

"Take this out back" mum says to me and Aaron and Charity and Ross "Vic could you watch the bar please" she asks Vic who was standing beside her.

I push the twins round the bar and out to the back and followed closely behind me was Ross "right Ross you go first answer charity's question" Aaron demands Ross "I was down by the beach, me, Ava and Moses have been down their" Ross says and I smile weakly

"We left because we knew Evreyone would have made me get rid off the twins if they found out about them, me and Ross well their our little girls" I say looking down at the twins

"You could have phoned us and let us know you were okay" mum tells me "I'm sorry mum do you both hate me now?" I ask looking down "no we're don't hate you, but I am disappointed that you didn't tell me" mum says and I go over and hug her "I'm sorry mum, do you want to meet your grandchildren?" I ask mum and she smiles nodding

I go over to the pushchair and gently pick Georgia and sapphire up "this one is Georgia-Rose Dingle Barton" I say showing mum Georgia who was wearing 'thing 1' and passing Georgia to mum before mum smiles "then theirs Sapphire-Maye Dingle Barton" I say and Aaron looks over "can I hold her?" Aaron asks me so I nod passing Sapphire over to him

"Their gorgeous Ava..." Mum says to me and I smile "And Ross if you ever do anything to hurt my sister or the twin you will have me to deal with" Aaron says to Ross and I smile "and you'll also have the rest off the Dingles to deal with" mum says and I smile at them


Well that's another chapter up 💖🙊
But will that be the last Ava and Ross here off their situation? Or will their be more drama to come with the situation.

So far Chas and Aaron are supportive but will that last


Jess xx

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