Coming home and The News

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Ava's PoV

Me and Ross had an amazing two weeks but we had to go home today, me and Ross were at the airport waiting for our plane which was running late, apparently they had problems before they had taken off. I was bored off waiting but I was glad I was with the man off my dreams "when's our plane ment to be here" I grumble while I was bored "hey, hey don't be bored your with me" Ross jokes and I laugh.

The plane soon came and me and Ross checked in and were aloud to get on. The plane ride was really boreing and I fell asleep on Ross. But before I knew it we were back in the uk and heading home.

Ross got is a taxi and we got in. "Emmerdale village please" we ask the driver and he drives is to the village and it was empty. Strange where was Evreyone, I. Get out the taxi giving Ross half off the money so he could pay the driver while I went to get our things out off the boot. I get our cases and then wait for Ross, we look around.

"Where is everyone" I ask my husband and he shrugged we pull or suitcases up the steps to the woolpack and push the doors open "welcome home" Evreyone shouts as we open the door and I smile looking around at Evreyone and then my eyes landed on my little girls Georgia and Sapphire they were sat up in their pushchair and babbling "thank you" me and Ross say at the same time.

I walk over to the bar where mum and charity were stood behind "welcome home prinsess" mum smiles and I lean over the bar giving her a kiss"I've missed you" I smile.

After saying hi to mum and Aaron and Liv  I go over to Emma and James who had the twins "how have they been" I ask them as they had them the second week. "They've been groggy but that's probably because they missed their mummy and daddy" Emma says and I kneel down and in front of my two baby . "Mummy missed you two" I say kissing their foreheads before Ross comes up behind me "and daddy missed you two" Ross says smiling down at our two baby's.

I look over to mum and Aaron who were talking and it gave me a feeling they were up to something "I'll be back" I say kissing my husband on the lips before going up to the bar "mum are you and Aaron hiding something from me.

Mum frowns and tells me to go out back and i nod "I think you might want to sit down" mum tells me and I cross my arms as Aaron comes out "have you told her?" He asks. "Told me what" I ask the pair whole looking confused and worried.

"Theirs no easy way to tell you this but dad died" Aaron tells me and I sit their not knowing what to say. Yeah he hurt me and Aaron when we were both little but he was my dad, so what was j me y to say. I say their trying to process Evreything which I had just been told. "Ava?" Mum asks me and and I look emotionless. Why was I feeling like this.

I hated him but I feel like I should greive. I ignore mum and walk out the back off the pub so none could talk to me. I just wanted to be alone at this moment in time.

I walk down the road and to the cafe. I push the door open and fake a smile when I see Bob and Brenda over at the counter and Vanessa with Johnny sat at a table. I walk over to the counter and order myself a coffee and Brenda said she would bring it over.

I sit down after paying and stare into space. Questions romed my head like was he murded by one of the other people in the prison, did he kill himself or did he die just out off the blue.

I didn't know what to think, my first day back from my honeymoon and Aaron and mum tell me that my dad who abused me and my brother for years had died.

Aaron's PoV

I got a call from Brenda saying Ava had just been sitting in the cafe for the past two hours, why didn't we think to look their. I told Ross to take the girls home and I would bring Ava round when I've seen her.

I walk to the cafe and go inside, once o was inside Brenda looks over to where Ava was sat. "She's been like that for the last two hours" She tells me and I nod going to sit beside my little sister "Avery are you alright" I ask my little sister and she shrugs

"I know it's hard to take in, he hurt us both but we still hurt, it's weird I knew but it must be because we loved him when we were younger" I tell Avery while putting my arm around her. She looks at me and I see tears welling up in her eyes.

"The last thing I said to him was I hated him" she mumbles and I hold her close as she starts to cry. "I know I know" I tell her kissing her forehead gently.

Ava's PoV

Aaron came and comforted me which made me feel better. A lot better infacr


Well that's it for this book but don't you worry the next book in the series will be up soon ❤️

I know it ended weirdly not that's the only way I wanted it to end

Ava will be back soon with more drama bit for now


Jess xx

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