The Honeymoon

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Ava's pov

Straight after the wedding me and Ross left for the airport, mum was looking after the twins for the first week and then Emma and James were looking after them for the second week. I knew I was going to miss them like crazy but I was spending two whole weeks with my handsome Husband.

We were on the plane to Spain and I got bored, me and Ross were snuggled together and I felt completed, I've finally found someone who I can be myself around. I look up to Ross who smiled down at me.

Ross leans down to me and kisses my nose "I'm so glad I can call you my wife" Ross says to me and I smile "I'm so glad I can call you my husband" I say back to him before reaching up and kissing Ross.

"Mrs Barton" Ross smiles at me and I smile wider "that might need a bit off getting used to" I laugh slightly "I've only just got used to being a Dingle not a Livesy" I smile softly and Ross leans down at me and kissed me again. "You'll be used to it on no time" Ross says poking me softly.

The flight soon ends and me and Ross walk off hand in hand, we go and collect our luggage and then go and get a taxi to out hotel. It was massive, 5 stars and it isn't far from the beach.

I smile and tiptoe so I'm the same night as Ross "have I ever told you that I love you" I say grinning to Ross as we stand in the entrance hall of the hotel "I think you have but why don't you tell me again" Ross laughs, I lean in to our noses are touching "I.... love...... You" I say kissing Ross after every word. "And guess what" Ross smiles "I.... love..... You..... To" Ross copy's me by kissing me after he said each word too. "Get a room" we hear someone says and I laugh, looking up to Ross.

Ross walks over to the reception desk "we've got the honeymoon sweet booked" Ross says and I smile leaning into Ross's side. The receptionist types away and every so often glares at me "do you have a problem with me or something" I ask the receptionist "I was just thinking, aren't you a bit young to be married, I would never let my daughter get married" the receptionist mentions but I role my eyes and look up to Ross who looked like he wanted to say something.

"Well it's my life, my mums fine with it and so is my older brother so can you just give us our key to the room and we will be on our way" I say with pure attitude in Evreyone, Ross looks down at me and smirks, i smile as the receptionist looks down in defeat and goes back to typing our details into the computer.

"Room 324" he says to us and me and Ross walk off "you sure know how to put People in their places" Ross smirks and I laugh slightly "you know if I was on my own I wouldn't have even said anything" I say smiling "maybe you bring out my fiecety side" I laugh kissing Ross.

Me and Ross take our suitcases to our room and I smile. The room was amazing and so was the hotel resort and so was everything "how about we unpack and then we go to the pool" Ross suggests and I smile. I help Ross unpack our things.

Once I had unpacked and so had Ross I went to get into my bikini. It was black around the neck and pink on the boobs and the he bottoms were black and pink (ignore the picture off the woman I just mean the bikini but I don't know how to crop it)

 It was black around the neck and pink on the boobs and the he bottoms were black and pink (ignore the picture off the woman I just mean the bikini but I don't know how to crop it)

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