Let me go!

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Ava's PoV

I had been trying to settle Sapphire all night, I placed her in her Moses basket a few times when I had to feed Georgia and when I had to go to the bathroom. Nothing seemed to settle her all she wanted to do was cry.

It was soon 8:30 the next morning and mum came into the living room "babe have you been up all night" mum asks me and I nod "sapphire was crying all night" I say through a yawn "how about I take Sapphire for you and if Georgia crys I'll check on her?" Mum suggests

"Really, you'd do that for me" I asks before I yawn once again "of corse I will Ava" mum says to me coming over and taking a crying sapphire from my arms. "I'll be fine with them" mum ressures me.

I walk out off the living room and the up the stairs to my room, once I was in my room I lied down on my bed and instantly fell asleep.

I woke up an hour after I had wet upstairs and saw Georgia wasn't in her so I guessed mum had got her and that they were downstairs and my guess was correct.

"You all better?" Mum asks me as i go into the living room and I nod "thank you for looking after them" I smile "anytime" mum smiles to me "well I better go and open up out their"
Mum soon says to me and I nod

Mum goes out front and I take the girls upstairs to change them. I change them into their write baby grow  Georgia's said 'I was born first' and sapphires was 'she likes to brag' with a pink aarow

Once I had put the baby grows onto the twins I dressed the twins into matching dress and leggings the leggings were purple with  small bows at the bottom and the dress was white with different colour hearts

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Once I had put the baby grows onto the twins I dressed the twins into matching dress and leggings the leggings were purple with  small bows at the bottom and the dress was white with different colour hearts.

Once they were dressed I grabbed their snow coats as it was cold and put them in the changing bag before I head downstairs with Georgia in my left arm and sapphire in my right arm "shall we go for a walk" I ask my daughters

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Once they were dressed I grabbed their snow coats as it was cold and put them in the changing bag before I head downstairs with Georgia in my left arm and sapphire in my right arm "shall we go for a walk" I ask my daughters.

I place them on the sofa before getting the snow coat and putting Georgia-rose into the yellow snow coat and Sapphire-Maye in the pinky colour S ow coat

I place them on the sofa before getting the snow coat and putting Georgia-rose into the yellow snow coat and Sapphire-Maye in the pinky colour S ow coat

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Once I finished getting the girls ready I place them gently into the the pushchair Georgia-Rose in the left side and sapphire-Maye into the right side.

I push the twins out into the bar and then I said goodbye to mum before walking out off the doors and start walking down the street. I push the girls past the garage when I see Ross and he looks over to me but I just ignore him.

I keep walking down the street with the girls before we head into David's "hey" Jacob says as me and the twins walk into the shop "hey Jacob, how's things been?" I ask him "I'm good" Jacob smiles and looks into the pushchair "who are these little cuties" Jacob asks "Georgia-rose is on the left and Sapphire-Maye is on the right" I introduce Jacob to my little girls "their cute" he says and I smile

I brought myself a twix chocolate bar for myself and a bottle of water before I walk around when suddenly I was grabbed.

I kept a tight grip onto the pushchair but the person who grabbed me was to strong. Who was this strange person who grabbed me.

Third person

Avery had been grabbed by a strange man but who was this strange person and what do they want with Avery.

Avery tried to get out off the blokes grip but it didn't work she was thrown into the back off a black Van without the twins. She screamed but the man got in the van and drove off leaving the twins in the pushchair at the side off the road and Averys phone on the floor beside the pushchair

Ross pov

I was walking home for lunch after a long morning off work when I came across Georgia and Sapphire crying alone in their pushchair. Their was no sign off Ava and it wasn't like her. I look down to see her phone on the flood too.

She wouldn't just leave our children would she, in sure she wouldn't. I decided to see if she was at the woolpack so I pick up her phone and placed it on the pushchair before pushing my little girls to the woolpack.

Once I arrived at the woolpack I went inside with the girls "where's Ava?" Chas asks me and I shrug "I found the twins at the side off the rod with Ava's phone, I thought she would have been here" I say to Chas and she frowns

"We've not seen her since she went out this morning" Chas says to me and we both frown. "I'll go and look for her, can you look after the girls" I ask Chas and she says she will.

I rush out off the pub to look for Avery. My phone starts to ring with an unknown number, without thinking I answer the phone hoping it will be something that could lead me to Ava

"Ahh Ross Barton, you must be wondering where your girlfriend is" the voice I recognised said. "Where is she! Where are you" I say down the phone to Paul. "Bring me 5 Grand and then you get to see your girl" Paul says to me

Ava's PoV

I found out who took me, it was one off  Ross's Dodgy Pals. His name was Paul. I wanted to home and be with my twins but I had no way off escaping.

I sense the Van stop and I was soon grabbed by the arm and pulled out off the van. We were at what look like an abandoned Wearhouse I was taken inside and that was the last thing I had remembered


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Thank you RhiDee13 for this idea


Jess xx

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