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*may be upsetting for some readers*

Ava's PoV

I had been back at school for three days and they have been the worst three days off my life, Mitch and Bethany's gang had been picking on me and they won't leave me alone and wherever I am they seem to be, I have seen liv who moved to our school and she's stuck up for me a few times even though I told her she didn't have to.

It was time for my maths which means it's another minute closer to my second exam. I have sociology today at 11:30 and I had to leave geography early. I was sat in maths at the back table alone until our teacher makes people come and sit on the table.

They choose three people from the gang which has been bullying their names are John, Lily and Craig. Theirs more people in the gang but that's the three people who were told to sit on my table.

"Look who we have to to work with guys, it's the slag Avery" lily laughs and I sigh "isn't the little slag going to say anything" John says while kicking me under the table.

"I'm just here to get my GCSEs so I can give my children the best" I say not trying to start a fight but I knew it would end up being one soon "you know what would be best for them?" Lily asks while smirking and Craig and John smirk "just tell her, she won't guess" Craig laughs.

"If you were dead then that would be best for the children, they won't have an ugly mother who sets fire to schools, who gets hit by cars oh and also who gets pregnant twice before she is 18" lily laughs

I sigh once more, I knew it was wrong to come back to school, all that happenes to me now is I get bullied, it's just not fair. "Come on Avery answer us" John says kicking me under the table thinking he will get a reaction from me.

"You know what would be fun, you come round mine and Craig's tonight and we can have some fun" John smirks and I role my eyes, who do they think I am. I'm not just someone who would sleep with someone else just for the fun off it.

I soon have enough off them bullying me so I pick my phone up from the table and my bag from the floor and walk out without telling our teacher where I was going and why I was going. I walk down the corridor and go and sit outside before letting the tears role down my cheeks

While crying I get my sociology book and sat it on the table outside. I wipe my eyes quickly before I sit and do some off my revision. I was looking forward to all my exams apart from my maths and D&T Food Technology exams.

Soon Evreyone was moving and it was to their next lessons, I had geography now so I walked from my spot on the Bench and carry my book up the stairs to my geography class room "good morning mr gilligan" I say to my geography teaches as I go and sit at the back off the classroom while getting my book out my bag as well as my revision guide.

Once I had gotten everything out I opened my book and looked at the page for today, we were going to be doing natural disasters.

The lesson went quite fast and before I knew it it was break time and I had one hour and thirty minutes unti my exam. It was a good job I had sociology next it should be in my head ready for the exam. Mrs Beardsley my sociology teacher said if we wanted we can stay in the class room with her for the whole time until the exam. I was going to take her up with the offer as I had missed so much time from school.

I walk straight from geography to my sociology class room and stand outside the class room all break, that's what I only do now days. Liv walks past me and stops "Ava is something up?" Liv asks me and I shake my head "is it the bully's again" she then asks me and I sigh "yes but I'm sorting it" I lie.

"How about we walk home together today?" Liv asks me and I nod slightly "i would like that" I smile "meet you outside the canteen after school" Liv tells me before she walks off heading to her lesson. Mrs Beardsley soon arrives at the class room and she goes in and I follow, I sit in my usual spot.

"Mrs, can I stay here until the exam?" I ask my sociology teacher "sure you can Avery, if you need any help from any work you missed then just ask" Mrs Beardsley says to me and I nod "thank you Mrs but I think I have the hang of things"

I get some plain paper from the tray at the back off the class room before sitting down and getting my pencil case out my bag and starting my revision. I draw a mind map and in the middle off it I put the topic off the work and then on each Aarow I put a different thing to do with the topic.

Soon Evreyone started to file into the classroom and Bethany came and sat nere me. 'Great' I thought as Bethany sat down. Why did she have to sit here I couldn't be doing with her crap.

I put my headphones in so I could listen to music while working. I completed mind map after mind map and soon I knew I was going to do well and before I knew it it was time for the exam "good luck Evreyone" Mrs Beardsley says to us.

I walk to the assembly hall for the exam. I turn my phone off and put it in my bag before going to find my seat. I soon found my seat and the exam was about to start.

During the exam I had butterflies in my stomach worrying that I wasn't Doing it right but I still continued with the exam.

Question after question I answer them writing down Evreything and before I knew it the exam was over and I had o go to tutor time.

I grab my bag and head to my tutor class but I didn't make it to my class room I was cornered by Mitch, Bethany, John, Lily, Craig and the rest off the gang.

I was trapped and had no way of escaping. "You've got to learn who's the boss now days" Mitch laughs as the gang crowd around me "you killed our baby and froze everyone out like it was only you who it affected so this will teach you" Mitch smirks motioning to someone and they grabbed me before I was punched, kicked and spat at.

"Please stop" I cry as each person in the gang took turns kicking and punching me but they wouldn't stop, they eventually stopped when a teacher came and that was the last thing I remembered


Hope you liked this chapter, do you think Ava will be alright you'll have to wait to find out



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