Chapter 2

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           Another day . The sky was so bright. I let out a yawn and  stretched on what I called a bed. I got up from the bed and looked through the small window in my small room , the sun shined brightly towards me , at least that's what I thought.I went straight to the bathroom , and got dressed up . I walked towards the living room , it was quite huge with a large sofa in the middle of the room , a big t.v at one end , a centre table and a large chandelier . I walked lazily towards the kitchen , no one was there , I then walked towards the door of a room , I paused for a while as if I was thinking of the next action to take , I sighed then knocked . "Who's that", the girl inside the room yelled. "It's me ,Nifemi" , I said softly. "What do want" , she yelled again . "Nothing , just checking on you" I replied. "I don't need you to check on me , pest" , she hissed. "Alright" , I said walking away from her door.
    Where are my manners , I didn't introduce the girl , well that's my grumpy , annoying ,arrogant sister, Anna ,she's not really a sister to me , I just got to know her some months ago and as you've noticed she's mean so mean. I'm starving , I thought to myself but I still didn't stand from the only chair I had in my small room. I was too lazy to do that. Anna's room was very big , I mean huge so was the living room and every other thing in this house except my room and everything in it.
   Hmmm......I was talking about how I got into this situation before. Let me continue that since I have nothing better to do , yeah nothing better.


    I had a good night, I had slept peacefully with no disturbance. As I yawned and stretched on my huge bed , my mum came in. "Come on Nifemi , get up , you have school today , you know" she said ,dragging me off my bed. "Good morning mum , how was your night" I managed to say after getting up from the floor where she had left me. "O really? Nifemi ,school , besides my night was good" She said with a smile on her face that made her look younger and with the attitude of a baby ." That's nice, my night was good too" I said sitting on my bed. She gave me a nasty look . "Alright alright i'll have my bath , dress up and then we'll be off to that school." I said flinging my hand in the air and grabbing my purple towel. "That school or your school" she replied . "That school , mum , that school that won't let me sleep to my satisfaction" I said giggling. "You're so lazy" she replied "and i'll be waiting for you in the living room so hurry up" she added as she walked out of the room closing the door behind her.
     I entered into the bathroom with a smile on my face. I always liked the way my mum was so free with me and talked like she was a teenager. She wasn't perfect of course , sometimes she was grumpy . And there's this habit she had that I hated so much ,she loved to complain about everything. But apart from that , she was pretty awesome , if I do say so myself ,with her lovely smile , her beautiful face ,her funny sentences and expressions , her encouraging words and the ever sarcastic tone in her voice. At least I know where I got my sarcasm from , I thought.
       I walked lazily to the living room and my mum dropped me off at school . My dad had gone on a business trip , it wasn't frequent but I always miss him whenever he wasn't around.
     "Bye ,love have fun in school" my mum said waving
  "Wishes" I said . "What?" My mum said again . "Nothing ,bye mum" I replied walking into the school . I was just twelve and I was already in ss1 (grade 10) as they called it in my country. It wasn't hectic to me , I was doing just fine. As I walked quietly to my class I noticed a girl staring at me , I ignored her and continued my walk . It wasn't this long to get to my class if I wasn't so slow in walking today. "Hello"the girl I caught staring said. I looked to my side and saw her clearly now . It was Naomi , my close annoying friend. "Hey , how are you doing?" I asked. "I'm doing very well ,thank you for asking" she said politely . We both let out a loud laugh and hugged each other. We were never polite to each other but we were close , not best friends but close. We got to the class . I was a "back bencher" so was Naomi , we sat at the last row of the class , no particular reason we just liked it here, at the back. "Here we go" I said to myself and so the classes started.  It was break time so I went quickly to the canteen, got what I wanted and headed back to the class where Naomi was waiting for me , she usually brought her food from home. So we talked till classes began again. After school ,I eat at home , do my assignments if there is any, I read , play a little , watch tv , have a conversation with my parent , I was their only child . So that was my routine every day.


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