Chapter 6

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"Okay , I started my poem yesterday , it's quite difficult to write a poem with meaningful words " Naomi said with worry .
I couldn't help but giggle

" Do you really have to write a poem , there's an art competition too , you're good with pencils, brushes , paint and so on,  unlike me, why don't you go for that" I said searching my bag for a book , when I found it , I opened the back page , and showed her one of my drawings. She laughed for what felt like hours but it was just 2 minutes .

"What's that , is that a stick man or you were trying to draw yourself" Naomi finally said .

"Shut up , that's not the point , so are you still writing the poem?" I replied .

"Of course not , i'm going to do a still life drawing , something about nature , life" she said with two fingers on her chin.

"That settles it then " I said ,"besides i've started my poem too " 

"Let me see it" Naomi said in excitement .

"It's just one line , Naomi , as I said , I just started" I replied.

"Whatever , show me when you've got something" Naomi said rolling her eyes as we walked down the street to our houses .

"See ya later" Naomi said winking as she walked into her house.
My house was just on the other street .

"Welcome , dear" my mum said with a smile.

"Hello Mum" I was indeed surprised to see her home this early.

"You didn't expect me to be home now , right? " she said as she put some biscuits into her mouth.

"Yes , any trouble at work?" I asked with a worried face.

"Of course not , just came early to have fun" she said in between giggles as she waved her hand above her head.

"Eh?" That was the only I could say.

"That's not it , just felt like coming early to help with your poem and homework" she said as she grinned at me.

"Ooo thanks mum , i'll just go take a shower and i'll be right back with you then we can start" i replied.

"Sure" She said as she put another biscuit into her mouth.

"Mum , let's start"

"Alright , so what have you got?"

"Nothing much , just a few suggestions on what the topic of the poem should be"

"Can I hear those suggestions"

"Sure mum , so the first one I came up with is 'Limitless soul' , the second is 'Flaming words' , the third is 'blank' , and the last is 'Real us' "

"Good suggestions , really good , you're growing up so fast "

"Thank you , thank you" I said taking a small bow.

"Do you know which one I like best"

"Which one "I said with excitement.

"I think we should write on the topic ......................."


"I've got my topic now , I even got some lines" I said walking to class with Naomi.

"Lovely , I even got my painting materials yesterday" Naomi replied clapping her hands enthusiastically.

"Good , good , so did you go through the English assignment yesterday"

"Yeah , it's quite difficult"

"I know " I said as a waved my hand around and Naomi stared at me " but thank goodness my mum helped me with it"

"Me too"

"Don't forget to solve the questions I gave you , bye students" Mr John , the mathematics teacher said as he walked out the class.

"Hey , girls" Charles literally screamed to us .

"Did you have to scream" Naomi said.

"Nop , just felt it would be awesome if I did and it was" Charles replied with a big smile and I couldn't help but giggle but Naomi just wore a face that said 'I can give you a punch right now'.

"Hey Charles , how are you?" I said and I felt Naomi calm down.

"I'm good , kind girl"

"Are you ? I noticed you weren't even taking any notes in maths class." Victoria said as she walked over to our desks.

"How will he? When all he thinks of is how to disturb" Yinka added.

"That's not true , I have actually studied this topic before , but that doesn't still mean I wasn't listening in class , I was , and Victoria how do you know I wasn't writing notes , you were staring at me" Charles replied and we instantly turned our faces to Victoria , only to hear a big "Shut Up! " from her . And the class burst into laughter.

"Hey "Emmanuel came up to our desk too.

"Hi" Everyone said in unison and I saw Naomi smile as Emmanuel gave her a wink.


"You like him" I teased while Naomi folded her arms across her chest.

"He's just a friend , shut up" She replied.

"Of course" I said sarcastically.

"Good night" She said as she literally hopped into her house.

"Good night Naomi" I shouted while laughing.

This poem is going to take a lot of effort , I thought to myself as I held my pen with two of my right fingers ready to write anything that comes to mind.

"I'm back" my dad announced as he walked into my room.

"Hi , dad" I said as I stood up and hugged him.

"What are you doing? " my dad said pointing to the book on the table in my room.

"The poem"

"Do you need help?"


" I've learnt that whenever you write , you write from your heart and your mind , you write what you feel , you write because it's the most sincere thing you can do to yourself , you write cause it's you , and that's why it's unique  , just because you are unique"

His words just got me and all I could say was thanks dad.

"You're welcome princess, just call me anytime you need anything" he said patting my head and walking out the door.

"I write cause it's the most sincere thing I can do to myself" I repeated my dad's words to myself.

*present time*

"Nifemi , come here" Mrs Funke shouted.

"Yes ma"

"You've been given admission into 'Grand university' , you'll be starting next month , I don't know why they had to give you admission in the same school as Anna"

"That's good news ma" I managed to say . I was really happy I was going to school , but the bad thing is that Anna attends the same school.

"What's good about it? , you better don't spoil my reputation there with your irritating character" she said twisting her nose in disgust.

"Yes ma , but I do believe I have a good character" I said with a smile , my dad had taught me to be bold but not disrespectful.

"Well , we have different beliefs , you'll be starting in the next two months "

"Okay ma"

"What are you waiting for?"

I was about to go when I remembered I hadn't eaten so I turned back.

"I haven't eaten today ma , so I want to prepare a meal for myself"

She just rolled her eyes and walked out of the living room.

Another chapter , I hope you all like it . Please feel free to drop your comments . Thank you all for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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