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Dannielynn Rose Craven sat in her father's home office and groaned at the paper on his desk. Page 4 showed a small photograph of girls around her age sitting in a large classroom, each one of them wearing a side pleated plaid skirt, along with a Hopstack Black Blazer, and a white short sleeved interlock Polo underneath the Blazer.
They all smiled towards the camera and held posture.
A paragraph further down the same page mentioned the importance of classroom expectations, ect.

The next page showed pictures around the school, cafeteria, football feild, tennis court, the great halls, and a library, and another library that seemed to be a room. Danny read the small printed words underneath that certain picture.
"Hidden rooms in the libraries bookcase." She read quietly and made a query expression with her face as her father walked in.

"You're like sending me to a fucking hogwarts school, or some shit." She stared at him in disbelief as he chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"I Promise you, it's not that bad. You'll have a swell time, I'm sure." He spoke softly while clearing his desk off.

"I'm not going to have a "swell" time dad. I like my old school, why are you sending me away?! I don't want to go. And you can't make me!" She stood up, raising her voice as well.

"You're going, and that's final!" He snapped.

"Mom wouldn't have done this!" Her voice cracked, tears burning her brown eyes.

"it's already done. Now go finish packing your belongings. I'm not gonna fight with you" He finished , gesturing towards the door.

It didn't take long for Danny to make her way to her room , and then slam her door shut.
She took out her 3 suit cases and started filling them with her "necessities", as she was told to do.

All because of a stupid mistake, IM being sent away. Horse shit.

She thought to herself while she finished putting all her belongings in the suit cases. She wondered on what even she needed to pack. Most of everything is going to be given to her at the academy, "so there is no use in packing this much"
She thought, again.

Soon as time flew by she heard her father on the phone, and being the little snoop Danny was, she went outside of the door to his office to listen in on the conversation he was having with someone over the phone. She couldn't help being so into everything, or being so sassy, rude, ruthless... the list goes on.

"Yes-Yes that sounds good." He spoke into the phone rather loud.

"Well she's in her room packing right now, well I hope she is. You know how teenagers are... hahaha, right. I almost forgotten that you have to work with them everyday. What a bummer Rob" He laughed as the person on the other side of the phone also laughed In sync.

Danny rolled her eyes and took a deep breath as she skipped her way into her father's office and stood in front of him with her arms crossed, like usual.

"Who are you talking to?" She asked , her face filled with worry and confusion.

"Robbie, Robbie Kay." He responded while holding the phone to his chest.

"'Robbie Kay' more like, Proboscisface SlutMonkey" and with that she walked back into her room.

"What was that?" Robbie asked, chuckling.

"Oh, that was just my daughter Danny, she likes to give people nicknames, mostly insulting ones." He said.
"Sorry rob"

"Hey, that's Proboscisface SlutMonkey to you!" Robbie and Danny's father-Michael laughed at the horrible nickname.

"Better watch out for her while she's over at the Academy" he said with seriousness.

"Of course i will, but Danny is gonna have start getting used to calling me, Mr. Kay"

Bewh. Sorry the first chapter sucks total Proboscisface SlutMonkey balls.

Danny is such a sassafrass

Q- What's your favorite music artist?

A- I have too many to pick from😂😅❤


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