Chapter 3 ~ Camz

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(A/n: So im making about two chapters in Camila's POV just so you know what it feels like for her. This is the first one and yeah it's basically when she wakes up. So I don't know how comas work not really anyways and I don't know what happens because ive never been in one so yeah its fanfiction anyways.

Camila's POV

February 8th & 9th 2016

"Call me if-" John interrupted her and I smiled on the inside thinking of how annoyed she would be.

"She wakes up I know its been a month, im used to this by now." I was standing it what was a white waiting room apparently. It was just like a loop. There was nothing there. I don't really know how to describe it. It was like the hospital but with no one in it. It was all white and it felt fake. The place where I was was a circle shaped room with a spiral loop along the outsides. It led up to the glass ceiling. The ceiling was glass and it was blue outside the glass.

I could hear everything in my coma. I only knew I was in a coma because they used the word 'coma' so often. If I never heard that word I would have no idea where I was. I remember waking up and they were going to rush me in immediate surgery. I remember not being able to breath and feeling like my lungs clasped. Spitting up blood and choking on my breath. The blood all over my body and the paramedics yelling in the operation room. One person, zaya. She was the person who looked me in the eyes and told me "everything will be okay Camila, in time." I was choking blood, gross I know, when she told me that. She should've been like a motivational speaker. They shot me up with anesthesia and I was out. I haven't been awake since. My eyes missed those green eyes. I missed her raven hair and her green eyes. I missed the way she bit her lip. I missed all her nervous. I missed everything I loved about her that I had to see. I know people say just being with the person is a blessing and it is, but I miss it. I miss seeing her. Shes gotten me through this. I would tell she would touch me by the way she wouldn't talk or when i could feel tiny twitches but i couldn't feel anything other than that. I also couldn't respond. I guess coma. It scared me thinking I would never get to see or do anything again. I got scared. I once read in a book "Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine." This stood out to me because i feel like i can sorta relate to it. I feel like Im in the middle of my life and i can live it anymore. Im physically stopped. "Camila has fallen asleep in the middle of her life." I haven't gotten to do things yet. Im not giving up I'm just giving in.

I wanted to see everyone again. I missed them. I heard Lauren's voice often. It was always raspy like she just woke up from a nap and came to see me. I heard Ally's energetic positive voice and would mentally smile. I heard Dinah being obnoxious and Mani being sweet. I heard Sofi and my mom and dad. I heard the guy who was named "john" and my other three nurses. I find it surprising I had four nurses. Their names were John, Danny, Ella, and Emma. John was with me most often. He practically live in the hospital. If John wasn't there Danny was. Ella and Emma were rarely there, but they were still my nurses. Lauren was the voice I heard the most. I missed her though.

I don't know what time or what day it was when the doctor came in but he did. The IV was beeping and it was so annoying, more annoying than Dinah. I heard John's voice shortly after he came in.

"Dr. Cowell for the test..." I tuned them out or tried. Do you know how hard it is to do things in a coma. "We need Lauren to be here."

"That poor girl has had enough she doesnt need to be here when we transfer Camila." Transfer me? Transfer me where? What does that even mean?

"Lauren will freak out if-"

"John..." The EKG machine was beeping steadily too. "We are testing her and if they dont work we are transferring her. If she doesnt respond to the test we have to. She is not getting better here I'm not giving up on her but we need her to get better. If she responds then we wont." I couldn't tell what was happening but I could hear shuffling in the room. My heart race started increasing and I don't know how that works in a coma but it did. The EKG machine started beeping faster. "What the hell?"

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