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No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to focus on school. The boy smoking the cigarette was the only thing on my mind, and I had no idea why. 

I tried so hard all day not to let my mind wander to anything but the schoolwork I was assigned, but it didn't work. I couldn't stop my brain. Something had interested it, and God knows where it was going. 

The bell snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see people leaving, following their actions. I gathered my things and slipped out into the busy hallway. 

People were pushing past people to get to their next class, and I was no exception. I thought being "disabled" would give me at least some respect, but it seemed to get me less. It did get me bad looks and whispers behind my back. 

I saw my next class up ahead. I sped up, pushing open the door when I reached it. The class was still fairly empty, but one person caught my attention, stopping me dead in my tracks.

The boy with the cigarette.

He was sitting in the back, chair leaned against the wall and his feet propped on the desk. His face was looking towards the window, away from me, giving me access to only the back of his curly hair. 

"He's hot, right?" 

I spun around at the voice behind me. A girl was standing there, bright green eyes, slowly darting between me and the mystery boy. I just looked at her, mind wondering off into unknown places.

She smiled at me, sticking her hand out. "Hi. I'm Lauren."

I glances at her hand before slowly grabbing it. Her hand was a lot warmer than mine, and a lot meatier. Her fingers actually had thickness to them, while mine were basically skin and bone. 

She gave me a confused look, dropping my hand. "Are you gonna tell me your name, or just stand there?" I don't think she meant to come across as rudely as she did. 

I swallowed and mumbled out quietly, "T-tristan."

She smiled, showing off white teeth. "Very nice to meet you, Tristan." 

I smiled back at her. Maybe, just maybe, I had found another James.

"Okay class, please take your seat," the teacher said, walking behind her desk and adjusting her glasses on her nose. 

"Hey, Tristan. Sit by me." Lauren grabbed my hand and pulled me to some conveniently places open desks. We were sat next to the boy. 

He turned his head when we sat down, his brown eyes looking at us. Lauren smiled, seeming perfectly fine. Me on the other hand, I was a nervous wreck. My hands were shaking, and I knew if I tried to speak, real words wouldn't form. 

I glanced over at the people next to me. Lauren was quietly talking to the dark haired boy. Her confidence kind of scared me. How could she just talk to strangers? I always think I can, but whenever I have to, I choke up and can't.

A few minutes later, I felt a nudge on my arm, and I turned to face a smiling Lauren. 

She leaned over to me and whispered, "His name is Bradley, and he's new this year." I looked over her shoulder at the so called 'Bradley'. He was gazing forward at the board, but he seemed to know when I looked at him because a few seconds later, his big, brown eyes turned to look back at me. I quickly averted my eyes down, pretending to be focusing on what the teacher was saying. I heard Lauren make a soft noise, almost like she was mocking me. I could feel my face turning bright red as I tuned out everything around me. 


I tried to get out of the classroom as fast as I could once the bell rang. I felt a hand grab my arm and I was spun around to face Lauren. 

"What the hell was that back there?" She looked up at me, a shocked expression on her face. "Okay, I understand you're shy, but you at least could've said hi." 

I shook my head at her. Her face just twisted into something more confused. 

"I'm sorry... I don't get it." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Do you, like, not talk?"

I shuffled around awkwardly, not wanting to do anything. I glanced at her, looking her in her face, trying to make her understand with just a look 

And it seemed like she did.

Her face softened, and her arms fell to her sides. A small smile formed on her mouth, and she gave a small nod. "I can tell you don't wanna talk about it, so we won't. Instead..." she looked around the hallway, eyes landing back on me. "Let's go to lunch." 

She grabbed my arm and skipped off towards the cafeteria.  I thought she was a new student this year, based on me never have seen her before, but judging by the way she knew her way around that maybe she wasn't all that new. 

When we got to the lunchroom, I did what I always do: walk right past the lines and sit by myself in a corner. Super exciting. I started to walk in without food, but Lauren stopped me. 

"Are you gonna get anything?" she asked, sounding a bit concerned. I shook my head at her. She just sighed and told me she would meet me at a table. I just nodded, looked down, and walked in. 

I reached my usual table in the corner of the lunchroom. I pulled out a book and waited for Lauren. 

A couple minutes later, I heard the familiar sound of a tray getting placed on the table. I looked up, expecting to see Lauren, but my heard sank. 

Lauren didn't have blue eyes and a nose ring. 

Connor did.


Do I end it here...? 

I do.

That's what Tristan looks like in this story. And also, on the inside, he thinks he's a big tough guy, but on the outside he is just a shy, scared, cinnamon roll who is too sweet for this world, and that's what people see.  

Now you know.

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