582 42 14

Warning: physical abuse

I didn't see Brad for the rest of the day after he punched Connor at lunch. 

Or the day after.

I was sat upstairs, slowly doing my schoolwork. I was trying to focus on the problems in front of me, but when it came to Brad, my mind was everywhere but math. 

I thought about his eyes, how they were such a solid brown but still held so much emotion. They were the most beautiful pair of brown eyes I had ever seen.

Lauren had been talking about him, too. She had been saying that he was the "common new kid", the new student that instantly becomes popular and has all of the girls hanging off of hi arm. 

And she had been correct so far.

He was clearly eye candy to the school, and many people clearly fancied him. 

Including me.

I had always known who I was, and I had never had a problem with that person. I was lucky I guess. I mean, my step-dad wasn't too fond of that part of me, but I'm not too fond of him so I guess it's all okay. 

Brad was an attractive guy, and, frankly, I wasn't. I don't think Brad is gay. In fact, Brad seems like the straightest guy in our whole school. But he did protect me from Connor...

Maybe he had a  reputation to keep, I wasn't sure. 

I was snapped back to reality when I heard the screen door slam shut downstairs. I looked at my clock, seeing 7:45 plastered across the front.

He was home.

He usually came home later, but I guess today was different, and I knew I was gonna get something.

I could hear his footsteps clumsily making their way  up the staircase. I slowly closed my math book, trying to be as quiet as I could. 

"Get your skinny ass out here," my step-dad slurred, banging his fist on my closed door. I took a deep breath and slowly got out of my chair. He banged on the door a few more times, yelling at me to hurry up. I walked towards the door, my heart beating faster with every step. 

As soon as the door opened, he had my shirt in his fist. 

"What took so long, huh?"

I didn't say anything. I couldn't.

"You're not a mute piece of shit. Answer me!" Bits of spit flew out of his tainted mouth and landed on my face.

"S-sorr-ry," I managed out quietly. 

"Sorry? That's it?! I want an explanation!"  he roared, throwing me on the ground. I just managed to cover my face before I felt his foot connect with my ribs. I gasped, throwing a hand out to try and get him to stop. 

Instead of stopping, though, he brought his foot down on my hand multiple times, hard. I could feel bones breaking. I cried out, slapping wildly at his leg, trying desperately to get it off my hand. He finally lifted his foot, and I pulled my arm back, cradling it to my chest, tears falling. 

He pulled me up again, alcohol radiating off of his breath. "That's what you get, you broken piece of shit." 

He slammed me into the wall once before deciding he was done and throwing me to the ground. He stomped away, leaving me and my crumpled hand in the hallway. I kept my arm close, pushing myself up and going into my room. I grabbed one of my hoodies and carefully wrapped it around my hand, making a sort of sling, trying to get everything when it should be, wincing in pain. I slowly walked down the stairs. I knew I had to get to a hospital, and I knew my step-dad wasn't going to take me. And if he would, I was smarter than to get into a car with a man who was wasted. 

I looked into the kitchen, seeing him slumped in a chair, beer in hand. 

I slid out of the front door, trying to be as quiet as I could. 

And I was out.

I started walking towards where I thought the hospital was. pain was shooting up my arm in very unsatisfying intervals. There were points where it was so bad that I thought I might pass out. 

I sat on a bench, feeling like I might puke. I heard a car pull up and stop in front of me, but I didn't care to look up. For the first time, my mind wasn't thinking. It was too clouded with pain. 

"Triatan?" I heard a familiar voice. It sounded like it was coming from miles away. 

I heard a car door open and shoes run over to me. "Tristan, oh my God what happened?" It was Lauren. She was staring, horrified, at my surely pale face and blood stained sling. 

"Br-broken," was all I could say, and at that point, I wasn't sure if I was referring to me or my hand more. 

"Shit, Tris. C'mon. Let's get you to a hospital. Lauren helped me into her car, gently closing my door and walking around the car and getting in the drivers seat. She smiled at me, pushing the key into the ignition, and starting towards the nearest hospital.


I could've kept going, but I decided to end it there because I haven't updated in a while.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I would really appreciate comments of feedback or just a hello. I enjoy interacting with readers. 

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