The Interview

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A few weeks had passed and I had finally plucked up the courage to approach the building I had always dreamt of working at, Vogue. I walked inside the vast building in Hanover Square. I clung to the portfolio and the bag I carried with me and slowly walked towards reception taking in the beauty.. As I approached the desk, the lady in pastel pink turned around and examined me through her large sparkling eyes. No word of a doubt, she was stunning. She uttered a few words to the girl sitting down beside her and pointed in my direction. 'Shes here' the girl in pink stated. As the time went by I became increasingly uncomfortable and felt ever so awkward in my outfit. Tight white and blue skinny jeans paired with a flowing royal blue top. My shoes were white platforms and I had my hair in a tight scraped back ponytail. Before I headed out I reassured myself I looked the business but entering this building made me realise how unsure I was. The girls were beautifully dressed and looked like they had all come from somewhere extremely hot. The diversity of people here was extraordinary, everyone was a different colour, spoke in a different accent and all dressed so well. As I stood there helplessly the girl called me over in a strong harsh tone. 'Zara Alexander?' she beckoned me over with the raise of one eyebrow like she already knew me. 'Hello, yes thats me. I'm here for an appoinment with Miss Serena Contriana?' She pondered for a few seconds and whispered something to the girl beside her. 'Come with me.' I followed her down the long, clean and white hallway until she stopped outside a large door. 'Here, good luck.' A smile played along her lips which revealed the perfect set of white teeth she owned, that smile dared me to walk through the doors. 'Thank you' and I opened the heavy doors which yet revealed another small corridor that lead into a huge office. The nerves were increasing and I could feel the heat rising through my chest.

What happened next was the strangest thing I have ever encountered... The lady sitting in the chair had her back to me but I could tell from her straight posture she was once a model. Slowly but surely she spun her chair around with a glass of champagne in hand and exclaimed 'I've been waiting for your arrival.' I was right, her features prooved how beautiful she once was and looked at me in admiration. This was starting to feel less and less like an interview. What was going on? The questions she began asking me were not only off topic but extremely personal to me. Firstly she asked how my mum was and what she was doing. "Shes no longer around Miss Contriana, she died several years ago." She thought about this and looked at me like she already knew what happened to her but dared me to answer her question. "Lovely girl your mother was, its a shame what happened to her as she was extremely talented." Wait what? How did she know my mum and what the hell was she talking about? "Excuse me, without meaning to sound rude but how did you know her?" The lady got up and began smiling at me sympathetically. "Oh darling did you not know? She was a highly marked model in the 70s, absoulately outstanding and full of passion!" Obviously there were parts of her life I didnt know about, maybe this is where I get my love for fashion from. The thought made me happy as I shared something in common with my mother. I never knew my dad, he left when I was four. My mum would always refuse to talk about him or get quite angry when I persisted on knowing more. Miss Contriana could see it gave me some comfort knowing about that secret part of her life and continued to speak about her. By this point I just wanted the interview to focus on me and my career so I began asking "would you like to see my portfolio?" She smiled and said "Oh deary you've already got the job" WHAT? This was crazy and I couldn't even speak. "But, do you not want to know more about me and what I want to achieve in this business?" This was bizarre. "Well I'm sure you can tell me all about it whilst being my PA, we have plenty of time." Serena said her goodbyes and gave me everything I needed to know before I started work on monday and said she would be in contact before then, I said my thank yous and left. The girls at reception looked at me trying to figure out what had happened. "I got the job! See you monday!" With that I walked off feeling on top of the world.

I got out my phone and texted Alice what had just happened and she said she would come over in a bit to celebrate. As I walked out of the big doors, something was different. I looked up and to my horror London wasn't there anymore..

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