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AUTHOR'S NOTE: So this is my second fan fiction. I really hope you like it!!!



I wake up screaming. I was picked for the games in my nightmare. This is my first year and I'm only 12. This isn't fair. None of this is.

"Come here" I whisper to Buttercup as he purrs on me. I pick him up and crawl into mums bed. Ever since dad died, she's been off a little. She wouldn't talk to Katniss or me. She wouldn't try and find some food. Katniss had to do it. Ever since, Katniss has always been different towards mother. I forgave her, just Katniss didn't.


"Alright, let's get you cleaned up" mum says as she gets the bath ready.

I head towards the bath and see the water in it. Its a small bath, but I fit. I bet Katniss doesn't.

After cleaning myself off, I walk to the bed and see a skirt and blouse.

"It was Katniss' first reaping outfit. It may be a little big, but It'll do" mum says. She then leaves me to change.

Mums right. It is a little big, the shirt keeps coming out of the skirt in the back.

"Tuck in your tail little duck" a familiar voice says. I turn around and see Katniss bending down to fix my shirt.

"You look beautiful" she says

"Thank you" I smile.

"I laid an outfit for you too dear" mother says to Katniss. Katniss doesn't say anything. Instead, she just goes to the washroom.


"We have an hour before reaping. I say we eat a strawberry" Katniss says

I love strawberries. I only had them once before. It was New Years and it was when Katniss brought back strawberries, oranges and bread. It was so good.

I grab a strawberry off the table and take a big bite into it. It is so juicy and delicious.

"Here. For you" Katniss says, holding out a pin.

"What's this for?" I ask, admiring it.

"Its a Mockingjay pin. Whenever you have it, it will always protect you" she says

"Thank you" I gladly say taking the pin.

"Well, I have to go somewhere, but I will be back before reaping" Katniss says, grabbing her jacket.

"Ok. Please hurry" mother says

Katniss walks out the front door and I follow her.

"Katniss!" I yell

She turns around and comes towards me.

"I'll be back. I love you" she says then kisses the top of my forehead and walks away.

"Let's do your hair" my mother says, closing the door behind her.



I walk to the woods where I am meeting Gale. I feel awful for leaving Prim, but what choice do I have? I can't take her with me. She'll never survive in the woods. Let alone the games if she gets picked.

I walk to the log where I stash my bow and arrows and take them out.

"Hey Katnip" Gale says from behind.

"Did you tell your family your leaving?" I ask

"No. Did you?" He says

"No" I reply "do you have the bag?"

He pulls out his bag full of bread and supplies he stole from the hob.

"Great" I say

"Are you ready?" He asks, putting the bag over his shoulder.

"Yep" I say. Then we run far away from District 12 as possible. Leaving family behind.


Its almost 2:00 and Katniss still hasn't shown up yet. Where would she be?

"Let's get going Prim" mum says. I sigh, knowing Katniss might have done something to get away.

My mother and I walk to the square. My hand in hers and just before I leave, she pins the pin onto my blouse.

"To protect you" she smiles. She then kisses my head and walks over to the parent section.

I stand in line with other kids. I shift to the side and notice that we have to get our finger pricked. I start freaking out. I never thought we had to do this.

"Next" the lady in the white outfit says.

I step forward as she grabs my hand and pricks my finger. It hurts.

"Walk over to the 12 year old girl section" the lady says as she points to the direction.

I walk over there and notice girls holding hands and some crying.

I take my spot and wait for the reaping to begin.

Sadly, it starts.

"Welcome welcome!" Our escort Effie Trinket says "before we begin, I shall gladly introduce your Mayor!"

Mayor Underseese talks for a little while and during it, I see an old man puke on stage. That must be embarrassing.

"Thank you Mayor Underseese" she claps as the Mayor is done speaking "Now, I have a special message brought to you all the way from the Capitol"

I look at the big screen and watch a video. It talks about how the games came to be and there were these things called the dark ages. Its not a good video. It is terrifying.

The video ends, and soon Effie Trinket begins to speak.

"What a lovely video. Now, let's begin. As usual, ladies first" Effie says, walking over to the big bowl with thousands of girls names.

Who is she going to pick? I'm scared
My heartbeat is racing at a thousand miles per hour. Then she calls a name I thought I would NEVER  hear in a million years...

"Primrose Everdeen"

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Very first chapter! I hoped you've enjoyed  the chapter and will continue to read!!!




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