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"Prim?" I hear a voice ask. I wake up, jumping. I must have fallen asleep.

"Yes?" I ask

"Effie says we should watch the replays of the reapings. Care to join?" Peeta asks

I nod my head yes, and stand up and walk to another beautiful room with Peeta. My hear is a complete wreck. Mother always thought me to look presentable and to always act like a lady, even if my hair looks like poop. I wonder what she is doing right now? How I miss her so much. I also wonder what Katniss is doing right now.

I sit on the gold leather couch, right between Effie and Peeta, and watch as Effie puts in a DVD.

"Here we go" Effie exclaims.

I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on them.

The DVD pauses...

"I almost forgot. Make sure you look for people to be allies with. The more the merrier!" Effie says, playing the DVD after she finishes talking.

I watch as a girl and guy get called for the reaping, all smiley and happy. Why would anyone want to be happy for the games. I notice that all career tributes are happy they are in the games. It just didn't make sense.

I watch the reapings and once District 11 is shown, the girl who is reaped is my age. She is small. I like to think that she could maybe be my ally.

Next, comes District 12. I see as my name is being called, tears stream down my face. I didn't realize I was crying. Then I see Peeta being called and has a shock printed on his face.

Then the DVD ends.

"So, anyone you would want as allies?" I hear Haymitch's voice come from behind me.

Peeta shakes his head and I say...

"The little girl from 11. She looks nice"

"Alright, I'll talk with her mentor about it" Haymitch says as he fills up his bottle.

I yawn. I'm very tired. I look at the clock and notice it is 11:00. I decide to go to bed.

"Goodnight" I smile and walk. But Peeta says something...

"I'll tuck you in"

I'm almost shocked by his comment, but Katniss always tucks me in. I would hate to miss this opportunity.

We walk to my room and I go to the bathroom to change into PJs. I ware a dark purple, long sleeved shirt with white sweats. I leave my messy braided hair in. I've never had something so comfortable to sleep in.

I walk out of the bathroom, leaving my clothes in there, and crawl into bed.

Peeta pulls the covers up to my neck and says

"Goodnight Prim"

"Goodnight Peeta" I reply, as he smiles and walks out the room. Peeta almost seems like an older brother to me. Its comforting to have someone act this way while I'm off to my certain death.

Katniss always kept me company, but since she left me, I guess she didn't really love me. How can someone leave their little sister in a tough situation? Especially if they are off to their death?

With all this anger in me, I realize its going to get me no where. I lay down on the soft, fluffy pink pillow and close my eyes.

I can't seem to fall asleep. Hours later, I finally give up and keep my eyes open. I have so many questions that need to be answered.

Why me?

Why did Katniss leave?

Why punish all of Panem for one stupid war? Punish the rebels, or don't punish at all!

I walk around frantically in my room. Questions roaming my head. I do things to distract me like look at myself in the bathroom mirror, and look through my closet, and mess up my bed just to remake it. Nothing seems to get me to sleep or calm down!

I then burst into tears. I'm a 12 year old off to my death and people watch it for fun. It is disturbing.

I hear a knock on the door...

"Prim?" A familiar voice asks me.

I stand up and wipe my tears answering the door. Its Peeta.

"Are you okay?" He asks me

I shake my head yes. I may be 12, but I'm smart enough to know to not bother anyone with my tears.

"I know you were crying" Peeta says

"How?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"Because I heard you" he says

"I'm sorry for waking you up. I'll just go back to bed now" I say

"You can't sleep can you?" He asks

I shake my head no. I don't want to lie to him. I then start to cry again.

"Shhh, its ok Prim" Peeta says calming me.

I cry a little longer and I wipe my tears away.

"Thank you" I give Peeta a weak smile.

"Your welcome Prim" he says

"Um...Peeta?" I ask

"Yes?" He says

"Never mind. Sorry, you can go back now" I stutter

"No, you can tell me" he says sitting back on the bed

"Can you like...sleep by the door or something? I'm used to having someone in the same room as me when I fall asleep. But can you just stay there, till I fall asleep?" I ask, almost regretting what I just said

Peeta laughs "of course. Goodnight Prim"

"Goodnight Peeta" I say, and he lies by the door and I drift off to sleep.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: YAY!! Another chapter! I hope you liked it!




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