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I wake up today around 9:00. I had a really good night sleep.

I hop out of bed and head to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Peeta and Effie are there, Haymitch is not.

"Oh! Good morning Primrose!" Effie exclaims

I laugh "good morning Effie"

"Morning Prim" Peeta says

I give him a smile and say "morning"

I'm soon given what people here call batter cakes with orange preserves and hot chocolate.

"Where's Haymitch?" I ask

"I don't know" Effie looks around the room confused

"He's probably just drunk" Peeta mumbles

I nod my head and eat my strange food.

Today are the interviews.


"Your all done!" Octavia yells

"I'll bring Cinna over" Venia adds. They then all walk out the room.

They didn't do much to me since the first time they met me. Thank goodness. All they did was brush my hair pick off any hair on my body and paint my nails.

My nalis are a bright red and orange and yellow. Gorgeous.

Soon, Cinna comes in and I can't help myself but run to give him a big hug.

"Well hello Prim" he says.

He holds a black bag over his shoulder.

"What's that?" I ask pointing to the bag.

"This, is your dress" he says.

My eyes widen. I can't wait to ware such an amazing dress. Even though I haven't seen it yet, I know it'll be amazing.

"Close your eyes" Cinna orders.

I do and he takes the dress out and puts it on me.

"Okay. You can open your eyes" he says.

I do and I look in the mirror. The dress is absolutely stunning!

"This is beautiful! Thank you Cinna!" I yell with excitement.

Its a red dress with sparkles at the top and what almost looks like flames at the bottom.

"Just like your tribute parade outfit, this has flames. If you spin, flames with appear at the bottom" Cinna adds.

"Its perfect" I say

"I'm glad you like it. Now, time to do your hair" he says.


We rush to the interviews and arrive just as Cesar Flickerman opens the show.

"Hello Panem! I'm your host Cesar Flickerman and tonight we will be interviewing our tributes for the 74th Hunger Games!" Cesar greets the crowd "let's bring out the first tribute, Marvel Quaid!"

Marvel seems funny in the interviews. To be honest, I laugh at some jokes.

While in line, I say stuff to Peeta and Rue seems to notice me.

"Hi Prim! You look super pretty!" She compliments me

"Aw, thank you Rue! So do you" I say back

"Thank you!" She says back

We continue to talk until she has to have her interview. She is very good, she talks about how quick she is and things like that.

She comes back out and whispers 'good luck' to me.

"Now, let's bring out a little girl from the seam in District 12, Primrose Everdeen!" Cesar announces me.

I put on a big smile and walk onto the stage.

"Hello Prim" Cesar says

"Hi" I say in a small voice.

"Aren't you waring a lovely dress" He says

"Thank you" I say

"Your stylist must do a lot for you" he says

"Well I would hope so" I say

He then starts to laugh as the Capitol join in also.

"What's so funny?" I ask

He throws his head back laughing and I have no clue what's is funny.

"Your very funny Miss. Everdeen" he says

"Thank you?" I say as if it were a question.

He laughs again and then the mood gets serious.

"So Prim, how did you feel when your name was called at the reaping?" He asks

"To be honest, I felt scared. I knew a 12 year old from District 12 won't have any chances to win the games. What would make me different?" I say

"Wow" is all he can manage to say "well, there is a first time for everything. Best of luck" he says.

"Thank you" I say

"Now, moving into a less sad topic, let's talk more about that dress. I bet your stylist couldn't have toped off that chariot outfit. With the flames and everything, right?" He says

"Actually, he did. Would you like to see?" I ask

"Woah, woah, bub, bub! Is it safe?" He asks, scared

I laugh and say "of course"

"Alright them, Show us" he says

I stand up and spin. The dress starts to flame up at the bottom. Its so amazing.

I hear cheers in the crowd and people clapping.

I stop just as Cesar holds my hand up and yells "Primrose Everdeen, the girl on fire!"

I hear seven more screams and clapping and cheering.

I walk off stage and get congratulations from Rue, Effie, Haymitch, and Peeta.

I hear in the distance Peeta's name and he is called for his interview.

They talk about how weird the showed are, which is true, and then Cesar asks a question that grabs my attention.

"So Peeta, is there anyone out there for you? Anyone special?"

"No. No there's not" Peeta laughs

"Oh come on Peeta. A guy like you can't go unnoticed" Cesar says.

"Well, there may be someone..." Peeta trails off "but she hasn't really noticed me"

"I'll tell you what" Cesar begins "you go out into that arena and you win for her. She is sure then to notice you"

"I dont think winning is going to work for me" Peeta says

"How so?" Caesar asks

"Because, I came into the games with her sister" Peeta replies.

And just like that, I stop listening to his interview.

He likes Katniss? Oh my God! He likes Katniss!

Soon, I hear clapping and see Peeta walk towards me.

"Prim I-" he begins, but I cut him off

"Trust me Peeta. I'm not mad. I'm really happy for you!" I say and give him a hug.

He returns the hug and says "thank you"


We reach the pent house and I instantly flip on my bed. Well, after I change into my pajamas.

Soon, Peeta comes in and tucks me in. As usual.

We say goodnight and I drift off to sleep.

The Hunger Games: PrimWhere stories live. Discover now