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Other people see it to

I don't just have an overactive imagination

This really is how you act around me

You really do seem to care

What is this?

What are we?

Do we need a label?

Why you?

Of all people

You were the least expected

Yet, it is still you

I sit next to you in class

I realize we are compete opposites

You are black, I am white

I am here, you are there

You are you, And I am I

I am green. You are red


But there is a spark here

Others see it too.

Could it be good that we are different

Could it be better

I don't know

You, you confuse me

But I never thought to ask you

If you understood me

Do you?

We were so unexpected

Yet, here we are somehow

We are still.. You and I

But there seems to be something changed

Something deep

Something to our core

There is something behind just being opposite

We are something else..



Poems From a SophomoreWhere stories live. Discover now