Your First Kiss

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Ashton: You and Ashton had been best friends since before you could remember so when you started dating a few months back, it was no shock to anyone. What did shock people was that you hadn't kissed yet. Considering the fact that you had had a few boyfriends and Ashton had had a few girlfriends while you were still best friends (whom you most likely kissed at least once), it was clear that you both were experienced in the field of lip to lip contact, so having not even kissed Ashton curiously as a preteen or something, you were anxious for at least a small peck on the lips. And that all led up to today. It was a chilly January day and you to were walking home from school like normal, your hand completely engulfed by his creating some warmth. Sadly, it wasn't enough even with your winter jacket buttoned and zipped so you started shivering. "Are you cold?" Ashton asked loosening his grip on your hand slightly. "Yeah a bit." "Aw you should've told me." You stopped walking and he pulled you into a hug. You felt you cheeks heat up from not only hugging Ashton in the middle of the sidewalk (which you don't generally do) but the heat that seemed to just radiate off of Ashton. After a bit you started to back up a bit but Ashton kept you in your place causing your noses to touch. "Are you better now?" He barely whispered, his breath warm against your mouth. "Yeah." You smiled and thanked God that he probably thought your cheeks were pink because of the frigid weather. When you looked up to meet Ashton's eyes, you found that instead his were drinking in your appearance until they finally stopped and landed on your slightly chapped, most likely turning blue, lips and without warning, you felt his press against yours. You reacted immediately by kissing him back and practically melting in his touch. His hands travelled up from your hips to your cheeks. Just when you were getting into it, Ashton pulled away. "I-I'm sorry." He apologized and took a step back. "Don't be sorry." You took his hands in yours and made him meet your eyes. Before you could stop yourself you lightly kissed him again. "You're a really good kisser." Ashton breathed out with a smile. "So are you." You giggled. "We should do that more often." Ashton commented taking his hand in yours again as you continued to walk back home.

Calum: it was yours and Calum's first date. Everything had been a little less than perfect and you could tell that he was getting frustrated. You, however were having a great time even though the waitress had accidentally totally messed up your order and Calum had knocked your glass of water in your lap.  "Calum, it's fine." You laughed taking his hand. "Don't beat yourself up over it." "You're really not upset?" He asked confused as you played with his fingers. "Nah I'm not that hungry and this will be a good story to tell." He gave you a weak smile "I guess you're right." He looked down at your hands. "You wanna get out of here?" You nodded and Calum left a few bills on the table. You looked down at your soiled dress and laughed. "I'm still sorry about that. There's a thrift store near by but that's the only clothes place I can think of." Calum looked at you apologetically. "Hey why not." You walked out of the restaurant together and Calum led you to a small shop that had clothes in the windows. You and Calum had fun trying on random clothes and laughing at the weird combinations before Calum found an actually pretty nice dress. "You would look cute in this." He said handing it to you. You smiled and went to change. After you stepped out of the changing room, Calum's breath hitched audibly. "Y-you look... Um wow." He stuttered and took a step towards you, placing his hands on your hips. "C-can I kiss you?" He asked and your blushed nodding. Before you could even process your own response, Calum's lips were on yours moving in a fluid motion. Pulling back you smiled brightly. "I'm buying this for you." Calum stated playing with the hem of the dress. "I mean if you kiss me whenever I wear it, then go right ahead." You laughed. "That can be arranged." He pecked your lips again. "Let's go then." You grinned paying for the dress and making your way out and exploring the streets for the rest of the night.

Luke: you and Luke had been best friends since grade school and that hadn't changed even after Luke's band had become famous. He had just gotten back from tour and you two were hanging out in your backyard on the rocking couch just talking about his tour adventures. "So, did you find any girls?" You raised an eyebrow suggestively. Honestly, you hoped he hadn't since you had had a crush on him for years now; but to make it not obvious, you often asked things like this. And because you were curious to be frank. "Nah I'm holding out for the perfect one. And I've got someone in mind." He answered. Your heart felt like it was torn in two just imagining there was another girl he had his eye set on since you knew it wasn't you. "Ooh, who?" You asked playfully, masking your hurt. "I can't say." He blushed a deep red color. It was adorable. "Pleaseeee?" You begged. "Can you at least tell me what she's like?" "Well," he started, a lazy love-filled smile broke out on his face. "She's just gorgeous. Her hair is (y/h/c) and it's literally so soft. And ugh her eyes. They're a deep (y/e/c) and they just seem to twinkle as if the stars were in them. And not to sound like a perv, but she's got a great body will all the right curves. She's just perfect." Pretending all this didn't break your heart, you asked another question. "What's her name?" Luke floundered a bit. "Uh, I um, can't tell you." He blushed again. "Come on why not?" You grew exasperated, curious about who this mysterious and apparently "perfect" girl is. And curious about how she had stolen Luke's heart so quickly since he's never mentioned her before. "Because." He mumbled. "Because why?" You lifted his chin with your finger so he would make eye contact with you. Before he even responded you felt and unfamiliar (but quite pleasant) sensation on your lips which turned out to be Luke's. But almost as soon as they were on yours they were gone. A very flustered Luke continuously apologized and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." He looked extremely distressed "I mean obviously I did but you don't like me ba-." Before he could finished his sentence you cut him off and placed your finger on his lips. "You meant me?" His eyes widened. "You didn't know? I've liked you since flipping 5th grade." "I-I didn't know. I always thought you were way out of my league." "Not possible," he brushed off your comment quickly. "But I always assumed that you wouldn't want to date me cause of the band thing; and cause I'm unattractive." You scoffed. "Oh please, unattractive? You're the hottest guy I know." Luke grinned and cupped your face before kissing you again. "I guess now that we have that settled, would you maybe want to be my girlfriend?" You lightly hit his arm. "Of course you idiot." You smiled and once again your lips met

Michael: thanks to your job at the local guitar store next to the college you attended, you had met Michael as he passed through your town to pick up guitar pics. He had insisted that you two go on a date before he leaves in a week because, in his opinion, you were too beautiful to pass up the chance of you being his girlfriend. So here you were, waiting in your dorm room in a spring-y sweater and shorts combination that your roommate had made for you. Michael wouldn't tell you where you were going but you were okay with that because even with your brief banter-filled conversation in the guitar store, you could tell that you wouldn't have any problem keeping him interested (and vice versa). Just 5 minutes after he said he would pick you up, you heard a knock on your door. You opened it to reveal an out of breath Michael, leaning on the frame. "Sorry I'm late, the lady at the flower shop didn't have my... Your bouquet ready." He pulled a beautiful arrangement of yellow and red tulips and handed them to you. "I figured roses were too cliché and its spring so these were in season." You smiled at the gesture and set them on your desk. Thanking him, you embarked on a short walk to his car where he opened the door for you. You laughed a bit because you never expected someone like Michael (tattoos, eyebrow piercing, colored hair) to be so sweet and romantic. Or to know tulips were in season during the spring. For the date, he ended up taking you to a drive in theater that you didn't even know was near your college. You watched a cheesy old chick flick on the roof of Michaels car, wrapped up in a blanket together. About half way through the movie, the couple shared their "iconic turning point kiss" where you know which boy the protagonist is going to pick. You felt a small nudge from Michael and you turned to look at him only to meet his lips in a kiss much better than the one in the movie. Pulling away when the scene changed, you looked into his gorgeous eyes and knew this wouldn't be your last date with Michael.

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