You Play Soccer/Football Together (Calum imagine)

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It was a cool fall night and you had just finished watching Calum's homecoming senior soccer game (I'm from America I'm sorry lol). They had just gotten the biggest comeback of the season and you could literally feel excitement radiate off of Calum's sweaty, uniform clad body as he hugged you with the brightest smile on his face. "(Y/N) we won! We actually won!" His voice was hoarse and almost an octave higher since he had been shouting the past 20 minutes straight and it was probably one of the most adorable things ever. "I know! I got your winning goal on video!" You said almost matching his excitement. "Did you really? Oh my god I love you so much." He smiled bigger and hugged you tighter, stuffing his face in the crook of your neck. You could feel his heartbeat pounding into your chest as his body was still producing the adrenaline he needed during the game. "Their defense was really good." Calum mumbled into your hair. This launched you two into a full fledged sports rant about the whole entire game and you didn't even notice everyone had left. The janitors had left the game lights out and on so you and Calum could still see around you. "Oh wow we've been talking a long time." He laughed and jogged to pick up his soccer ball from next to the bleachers. He juggled with it a bit before tossing it on the ground and kicking it to you playfully. "You ever played?" He asked and you skillfully trapped the ball and kicked it back to him. You never told Calum, but you had played in 9th and 10th grade before he started coming to your school. "Yeah a little bit." You smiled as he kicked it back to you. "Wanna play one on one?" He asked wiggling an eyebrow and laughing. "No omg you'll totally beat me." You laughed and kicked the ball back. "Pleaseeeeee? They left the lights on and everything." He pleaded dribbling the ball to you. "I'll let you get a head start." You rolled your eyes and smirked. "You're on, Hood." Calum was slightly taken aback by your boldness and didn't even realize that you had instantly started towards the the goal opposite of your side. Doing long, spaced dribbles you almost made it to the goal but Calum was fast and quickly caught up with you. You tried to turn past him, but he was quick to decide what you were trying and you were in skinny jeans and boots, leaving you at a disadvantage to he cleats and light, loose clothing. But Calum wasn't aware of the fact that you were the best on your team when you played for the varsity team in 9th and 10th grade so when you expertly caught up and took the ball away from him, he was shocked. This time, you ran as fast as you could while doing a close and controlled dribble and once Calum came to take the ball back, you forcefully kicked the ball and watched it soar right into goal. Sitting down out of breath, Calum sat down next to you on the cold, damp grass. "How did you do that?" He asked still having trouble breathing. You smiled and kissed him. "I was the best on the team when I played." "I don't believe it." He said, wrapping his arm around you. "Why not," you laughed. "I literally just beat you." Calum shook his head. "I was going easy on you." "Oh yeah, easy." You smiled at him. "Let's go home, all-star, I think you're going to need some time to accept this loss and right on the field it happened isn't the ideal place." He ruffed your hair. "Whatever you say, nerd." He said and you walked home, Calum forever denying the time you beat him at his own game.

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