He Catches You Doing Something Embarrassing

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Ashton: You had a day off from work so you decided that you should just have a lazy day since Ash would be at the studio all day. After watching countless movies and reruns of Dance Academy on Teen Nick (it was your guilty pleasure) you decided that you wanted to choreograph a dance. Not paying attention to what time it was and assuming you had tons of time on your hands until Ashton returned, you started playing your favorite "#girlpowerjams" and came up with a bunch of moves that probably made you look ridiculous. Swaying your hips to the beat and waving your hands in the air, you slammed your hand on the ground and attempted to lift your leg above your head like Brittany (failing miserably might you add). Hearing applause behind you, any chance of you actually completing the move had vanished and you lost your balance. Falling and being caught by none other than Ashton Irwin who had a huge grin on his face. "You know, I don't know if I should be turned on or concerned that you can lift your leg that high." You blushed a deep shade of red, standing upright and straighten your shirt. "I can explain..." You said. "I'm listening." He said with a bemused expression on his face. "I was watching Dance Academy and then I was like, hey I could do that, so then I did" you hid your face in your hands, completely mortified. "Don't be embarrassed," he giggled pulling your hands away from your face and kissing your cheek. "It was absolutely adorable." You smiled. "Let's start a dance group." You said to him. "Oh yeah, with my moves we'd be unstoppable." He grinned taking your hands. "How about we start by you teaching me how to get my leg that high."

Calum: "Hey babe I'm going to the store." Calum said and you kissed him. "Okay! Have fun!" You mentally were pumping your fist in the air because you had recently gotten very into Baby Metal (A/N~ if you don't know what that is I don't recommend looking it up lol) and you were too embarrassed to tell Calum about it. So, figuring you had about an hour until Calum came back, you got one of their music videos on YouTube and started rocking out. You also started trying to sing along. "Babe have you seen my..." You heard Calum's voice behind you and immediately shut your laptop and blushed deeply turning to face him. "What were you listening to?" He laughed and you avoided eye contact. "Baby Metal." You mumbled. "Wait are you serious?" He reached for your laptop but you pulled it away. "Yeah." You felt your face get even hotter. "I didn't know you were into that kind of thing." He laughed again. "But whatever, do you know where my wallet is?" "So that's it? You aren't going to make fun of me?" You asked confused. "Nah, music's music, if Baby Metals your thing I don't mind." He smiled. "Now my wallet..." You laughed in spite of yourself. "It's on the counter." His mouth formed an "O" "Ohhhh oops, looked right past it. See ya later." He said and walked out of the room.

Luke: You were known for being the quiet type of person. Even though you were comfortable with Luke, you were still too shy to tell him some things and he knew that so he never pressed for answers and just did what would make you happiest. Today you were out on a lunch date and had an unexpected visit from Mother Nature and started to panic a bit. Excusing yourself to the bathroom, you pulled down your shirt in hopes that it would cover the stain that was quickly forming in your skinny jeans. Shuffling through your bag you cursed yourself for not bringing a sweatshirt you could tie around your waist or pads or tampons. After all, you weren't supposed to get your period for another week and generally didn't have bad PMS symptoms so you didn't see this coming. Hopelessly, you sat in the bathroom wondering what your next move should be. You had made a makeshift pad with a wad of toilet paper but what were you supposed to tell Luke? You had never told him about any of your "lady troubles" because you just figured he didn't really care or he'd be grossed out. Thinking maybe you could climb out the window and text him an apology, you heard a knock on the stall. "(Y/N)? Are you okay? Actually no scratch that, I know you aren't okay; can I come in?" Already feeling the heat rising to your cheeks, you opened the door and let Luke in. After closing the door and locking it again, Luke gave you a hug. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, taking off his flannel and wrapping it around your waist. "I-I don't know, it's embarrassing." You avoided eye contact. "No, it's normal; and you can tell me anything, okay?" He said lifting your chin with his finger. "Okay." You gave him a half-hearted smile. He grinned. "That's my girl, now let's go home." You two walked out of the bathroom and Luke paid for your uneaten food before taking you home.

Michael: Michael was out with the boys today and had told you that he would be back around dinner time. So to surprise him, you decided to make him something homemade since it seemed you always got take out. Your mother had taught you tons of family recipes, you decided on just making your grandmothers stew since it was easy and filling. You got all the ingredients ready and turned on some music. You expertly cut up all the meat and vegetables and starting making the stock. Once that was boiling, you put in what you had cut and set the timer. Since you had extra time, you decided to make biscuits to go with it. Again you got out all the ingredients. By now you were really getting into the songs and singing along at the top of your lungs. Just as you were putting the biscuits in the oven, your favorite song came on. You happily closed the oven door and started washing the dishes and singing even louder. Just as you rocked the long, high, belting note of the bridge, you heard a laugh and some applause behind you. Shocked, you dropped the plastic measuring cup you were washing and turned to face the laugh you recognized as Michaels. "Man, how did you even sing that high?" He was still laughing and you blushed deeply. "I-I didn't realize what time it was." You explained. "Dinner smells great by the way." He said walking towards you and brushing a piece of hair behind your ear and kissing you. "And you sing pretty well." He winked and you dried your hands before lightly hitting his shoulder with a smile.

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