How You Meet

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Ashton: It was the middle of the summer and you were teaching a life guard training program during your summer break since you loved the ocean and needed the money. In between a group of your classes while you were on your "lunch break" (which basically was you watching the other beach goers while you ate maybe half of a granola bar or apple), you noticed someone who looked like they were struggled to keep afloat and shouting. Grabbing your binoculars you discovered it was one of the surfers you had spotted earlier that morning. Quickly grabbing your small life board
you sprinted into the water and forcefully pushed through the unwavering waves. When you reached the boy, he was face down in the water so you hoisted him up onto the small board and swam as fast as you could to shore, laying him on his back and performing CPR just like you had taught your class to 15 minutes earlier. After performing chest compression for a few minutes you stopped to check his pulse when he instantly shot up and started coughing violently to get the water out of his lungs. Gently patting his back, you brushed some of his curls out of his face. His eyes, although slightly red from the seawater, were a lovely greenish hazel color and he had an extremely toned chest. "Are you alright?" You asked him, exhausted from your body not producing any more adrenaline. "Y-you saved my life." He said dumbfounded. "You're welcome." You smiled slightly. "You seem to be breathing fine, but I wouldn't go back to surfing for awhile." You started to get up when he grabbed your hand. "Wait, what's your name?" He awaited your answer, patiently. "(Y/N)." You answered. "Do you need help getting up?" You asked holding out your other hand. He gladly took it and you heaved him onto his feet revealing that he was actually significantly taller than you. "I-I'm Ashton." He said nervously. "Do you mind if I chill with you at the lifeguard stand? I'm kinda here alone until my friends show up, and you seem kinda lonely up there." You grinned at him. "Of course."

Calum: You were sitting in your homeroom on the first day of you freshman year of high school when a very tan, attractive boy walked into the room with the guidance counselor. Inspecting him from your seat in the back you could tell right away that he probably would never like you. But your idea changed when he walked back to your lab table and took a seat next to you. "The teacher says that you're probably the best person to sit next to in the class if I want to pass." He justified his actions. Oh, right, he has an excuse. "But I wasn't expecting her to say the prettiest girl in the class was the smartest because I think that's what she implied." You blushed a deep shade of red and looked down in your lap. "I'm Calum by the way, what's your name?" You willed yourself not to stutter. "(Y/N)." You said quietly. "Pretty just like you." He winked before you heard the bell ring and faced towards the front of the room, already excited for the new year.

Luke: It was finally spring so you decided to start going on your daily runs again to get yourself in shape for the summer activities to come and track season. Finally making it to your local park, you turned up your music louder because of the loud kids that came with their parents, not because you didn't like kids, but because you were in the zone and didn't want to get distracted. You thought everything was going fine until you felt a sharp blow into the back of your head and lost your footing falling, thankfully, into the grass. Pulling out one earbud you saw a frantic tall blonde running towards you. "Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that, I was playing soccer with my friends and I'm really clumsy and I don't know..." He trailed off and you couldn't help but smile at how sorry he was. "It's fine, can you just help me up?" "Sure." He said letting out a sigh of relief since you weren't mad. But once you put pressure onto your right foot, you instantly winced and fell into the boys embrace. "Are you okay?" He asked, dumbly. "I-I think its sprained." You whimpered, feeling tears prick in your eyes. "Wait I have a car, I'll drive you to the doctors." He assured you, lifting you up with ease. "Luke, what are you doing?" A confused red head asked? "I'm taking..." He looked down at you for your name. "(Y/N)." You whispered. "(Y/N) to the hospital." He explained. "Okay? Have fun? I'll be back at the room." Luke successfully drove you to the hospital where you found that you did indeed sprain your ankle. So in return, he offered to pay the expenses of the crutches and colored cast mold. Well, as long as you gave him your number and promised to keep him posted about how it was doing of course.

Michael: Ever since you were old enough to go, you would show up to your towns local open mic night. Whether it was playing the guitar to the piano to even the drum set you were always there. The crowd absolutely adored you and you absolutely adored them. So one night, you were playing You Found Me by The Fray on the guitar acoustically when you saw an unfamiliar face right in the front row, staring intently with a small smile on his face. When you finished your song, the crowd cheered loudly as well as the new visitor. You smiled brightly, walked off the stage and grabbed a water bottled while still holding your acoustic. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to face the red haired boy from the front row. "I just wanted to say that you're like, so good." He blushed slightly and absentmindedly scratched the back of his neck. "Thanks!" You smiled even more. He asked something else but since the next act had started playing a loud rock song you couldn't hear. You motioned for him to follow you and you took him outside. "I didn't quite catch what you said." You said. "It's a bit quieter out here." "I asked what your name was." He bit his lip. "I'm (Y/N)." You answered. "What's yours?" "Michael." He grinned. "Could I maybe have your number? I've seen you at a few of these but I was always too scared to come talk to you." You smiled again. "Of course." You wrote it down on a napkin you found in your pocket and handed it to him before waving and disappearing back into the tavern.

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