He Falls Asleep On You

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Ashton: With their new album coming out, it seemed Ashton was constantly playing his drums, at the studio, or too busy messaging the boys to spend much time with you so when he decided to take a Saturday off and just stay in with you for once without any distractions, you were ecstatic. So here you were lounged out on the couch cuddled into Ashton's side while you watched movies. It was pretty late by now and you were midway through your third film when Ashton shifted to lay on your lap instead of underneath you. Thinking nothing of it, you absentmindedly ran your fingers through his hair soothingly because 1. You knew he loved it when you did that and 2. His hair was soft since he had showered before your little "date". You continued to enjoy the movie and went to comment on a cliché, looking down to discover that Ashton was asleep. You smiled lightly at his relaxed face and gently traced his cheek before kissing it and turning off the tv. "Sweet dreams, Ash." You whispered to him before leaning back and falling asleep yourself.

Calum: With your parents consent, you were finally allowed to join Calum on tour. Although the traveling was very tiring, the urgency to get things done on time and the charisma of the stage crew, you found yourself unable to sleep often. Calum, of course, was having the opposite problem. He was used to all the commotion so instead of being excited by everything like you, he was simply exhausted. He had just finished a huge show and the rest of the band was totally energized by the rush they got on stage so you were all hanging out in the tour bus. The boys were discussing the highlights of the show when you felt Calum rest his head on your shoulder. You looked at him and smiled, which he returned with a sleepy grin. You continued to laugh with the boys until Luke "awed" at Calum. "Oh look! He's asleep!" He cooed and the rest of the boys joined in. "We all should probably be sleeping anyway." Michael noted. They reluctantly mumbled agreements and said goodnight to you before going back into the sleeping area while you carefully laid Calum down and cuddled into his chest, the couch would do for tonight.

Luke: It was the night before you and Luke had to take a major test for school so you decided to cram in as much studying together as you could. Liz had already suggested many times that you just sleep and wake up early to study but also scolded you and Luke for not studying ahead of time. But since you had already come over in a panic, you and Luke still decided on studying right then. You had been tackling the information for about an hour now and you could tell that Luke was going to fall asleep at any moment. You leaned yourself up against the headboard of his bed and let out an exasperated sigh. "Maybe next time we should study earlier." Luke mumbled cuddling into your side and stuffing his face into your neck. "Yeah I guess we should go to sleep soon." You replied and shifted to move your books and papers only for Luke to groan in protest as he lost his comfortable position. After everything was moved Luke turned off the light and resumed his previous position but this time lying down. Although Luke seemed content with sleeping you were still worried about the test and couldn't sleep. You tossed and turned until you were flat on your back. You were just about to ask Luke if he was still awake when you heard soft snores coming from his mouth that rested parallel to your shoulder blade. Smiling slightly at this, you continued to rid your thoughts of your worries and eventually fell asleep also.

Michael: It was you guys six month anniversary and Michael wanted to do something special for you. So what better way to celebrate than to go on a holiday? After a lot of secret planning with the boys (and his and your moms) you two were at an airport waiting to for the plane to your dream vacation. Although Michael's plan seemed practically flawless, he forgot one thing until the last minute; to buy plane tickets. Yes he did buy them but it was very late notice and the only tickets available were in the very early morning. But since he cared about you more than his sleep (at least at the time) he bought the tickets anyway and wasn't about to let that spoil your anniversary. But now sitting in the airport at nearly 4:30 in the morning he wasn't so sure he valued you more than sleep. You however were buzzing with excitement about this vacation and almost had enough energy that it made Michael sick. But he listened to you go on and on about all the things you could do on your trip and he couldn't be mad at you since you looked so adorable while you talked. It seemed like mere minutes went by when the announcement came on that your flight was boarding so you cheerfully got your bags and dragged Michael onto the flight. But soon your cheerfulness wore out after you finally got your carry ons in the top compartment after a lot of effort and nearly no help from Michael. You plopped down into your seat before securing your seatbelt and listening to the pilots little safety speech. Halfway through the listing on the exits, Michael leaned his head on your shoulder. Thinking of it as a simple loving gesture, you smiled and turned to gently kiss head forehead to which he responded with a sigh of contentment. After the flight had actually taken off you quietly asked Michael if he wanted to watch a movie but when you didn't get a response you looked down to see him fast asleep. You giggled at this and then put in earbuds to listen to music instead, letting him have his much deserved sleep. 

(Ps you're welcome Ashley)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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