Day 50 - Lacey

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I hated having to ask her for a ride. I should've just taken Daniel up on the offer yesterday to go and grab it from the bar. I don't know why I kept putting it off... Just as I finished that last train of thought, the drunken flashback of me toppling over Jessica in the middle of her friend's room behind the bar, came rushing back to me in an instant.

"Yeah..." I sort of mumbled beneath my breath, hoping that she would just say yes so I could stop feeling like a graveling idiot.

"Sure," was all I heard her say before she opened the faucet again, probably to drown me out.

The whole way to the car and pulling out of the parking lot felt beyond awkward to me as we both sat in complete silence. I'm probably making her go way out of her way just to get my car... I began to think before I realized that the light had changed green. I pointed it out with my finger and it seemed to startle her as she slowly started back up on the gas pedal, driving through the busy intersection.

"Hey," I heard her say with her eyes still heavily fixed on the road before us, "I just remembered that I have to make a quick stop." I turned to face her, her expression as straight as ever.

"Sure," I replied, not really thinking very much of it, but when we pulled up to the front of a music store that I had never seen before with a sign that read 'Jess & Jay's' and the & symbol being a design that was carved out of the base of a guitar that hung between the two names, our location piqued instantly at my curiosity.

"C'mon," I heard her say as she undid her seatbelt, "you'll be more comfortable inside."

Leaving the black and red leather interior behind, I slowly stepped out of the car trailing closely behind Jessica. Crossing the threshold of the music shop that mainly had incredibly unique guitars hanging from both the ceiling and displayed on either side of the store, immediately, I was taken aback by the creativity of it all.

"Yo, Jess!" I heard the tall man behind the counter call out, but I found that I was too lost amongst the art to pay any mind to him.

Wandering off to the left, there were several electric guitars that had all been designed differently with no to paintings alike. The detailing was amazing as I leaned in to take a closer look. Was this all Jessica's?

"You like?" I heard her familiar voice ask me from behind?

"Did you do this?" I said, completely ignoring her question and pointing at the artwork on one of the guitars instead.

"Yeah." Her conformation struck me off guard as her words really settled in. "This is my shop. Everything in here was designed by me."

"Wow Jessica," I found myself almost whispering in utter disbelief, "this is incredible."

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice spoke out to Jessica as if she had known her all her life, and the second I caught a glimpse of Jessica's reaction, I realized that I probably wasn't too far off.

"Hey Jess," the woman said, moving towards out direction. Jessica seemed surprised by the greeting, or more accurately, shocked. "It's been a while."

Still standing by the guitars, Jessica slowly turned around to face the woman who was dolled up from head to toe, a woman whom she clearly knew.

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