Part 1

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Alone. That's all I could think of how I felt, even though its the first day of school. All alone. No one's ever gonna fix me when I'm broke... Hey, that'd make a good song, I thought. Abruptly I smashed into someone in the hallway. I looked up embarrassed. The first thing I saw were two beautiful eyes. One blue, one green. She had honey blonde hair that reached a little below her chest. She looked young, probably a freshmen. She glanced down, clearly embarrassed. "S-sorry" she stuttered. Looking back up and tucking a fallen strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh no its fine" I replied. "Uh.. I'm Nate." I said randomly. Stupid. Who randomly says their name to someone who just bumps into you? "Jessica" she smiled. "Well- uh.. Nice to meet ya Jessica!" Suddenly she dropped her schedule. We both kneeled down to pick it up. I clasped my hand on the wrinkled paper first and stood back up. I glanced at her schedule before handing it back to her. "Thanks Nate" she said awkwardly. "Uh sure.. It uh looks like we have science, study hall, geometry, and Spanish together." "Really? That's awesome!" she grinned "Finally I have classes with someone that I kinda know" she giggled. God she was so pretty. "Yeah". I laughed "we'll it looks like we better head to Spanish, it looks like the bell is gonna ring any secon-" suddenly the bell sounded, making us jump. "Shit! We're already late... Race ya!" She grinned as I raced her down the hallways, finding out way to the classroom. The door became in sight and I pushed my legs faster. She then sprinted in front of me and touched the door first. "Beat you!" "Hey! you cheated!" I laughed as we opened the door.

"LATE!" Screeched a middle aged women with a disapproving look on her face. "Uh sorry, we got lost?" I tried. "Just go sit down! Both of you!" Jess and I made our way to the back of the classroom, dropping our back packs on adjacent desks. We both say down, looking at each other. "You know, I let you win!" I whispered. "HA! sure you did!" she grinned crookedly at me. Mrs. Robert smacked a long wooden ruler on the chalk bored, hushing us. We looked back at each other and giggled. Maybe I wouldn't be all alone after all.

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