I’m relaxing in the cockpit of my falcon, I feel the exsplosions before I hear them. When I round the mountain, I see Green base in ruins, more missiles coming down with every explosion.
I hear TWO talking over the comm, “Oh, my, god!” The fear in his voice pouring through my earpeice.
I stay far away so the ship doesn’t see us. We watch in horrer as our base is bombed into dust. It is almost two hours before the bombs stop.
I move the falcon a little closer, at that time, I see a pelican. Consumed by rage, I open fire. Not caring who or what is on there.
The pelican dodges most of my shots, returning fire instantly. Within seconds, but engines explode, and we start a spiral right into the side of the mountain.
I pass out right as I collide with the rock, feeling my body snap like a twig.
When I wake, my HUD is black, my armor is damaged, badly. I try restarting the software, but nothing happens, then it hits me. It nighttime. I turn on my Infared, the world snapping into life around me.
I try to sit up, pain exploding from my leg and ribs. I fall back to the ground, looking at my HUD, I see that TWO has bad injuries, his status dot glows an omonus red. After a few minuets, I see his dot fade to black, KIA.
Ignoring the pain, I crawl to my feet. Bones grinding together. I limp over too TWO, he’s face down in the mud. When I flip him, his visor is flashing red, he’s still alive!
I istantly start pulling his armor off, trying to find a way to help him. But, as I remove his plates, I see the huge hole through his abdomen. I sit him back down, knowing he doesn’t have long.
He pulls at his dogtags, but is unable to get them off. I rip them off for him, he looks at me, “Make sure my wife gets those.” I nod, unable to think of what to say.
He dies not three minutes later, me sitting beside him as he hums to his death. I get up, small drops of rain starting to fall. I see a small glow in the distance, about half a click away.
I start walking, using my rifle as a crutch. Not good for much else with no ammo. It’s almost half an hour before I get close to what I now see is a camp. I lay onto a small flat rock a little ways from the camp, clenching my teeth at the pain.
I look through my rifle’s scope, seeing a single soldier with an MG on the ground beside him. But, there are two cots, I think to myself, “The other must be taking a piss.”
I hear the sound of metal on rock, but as I strart to look around, I’m picked off the ground and slammed into another rock. Stars fill my vision, I reach for my knife, but it’s gone. Something hit’s the side of my helmat with the force of a grenade, My vision fades in and out.
Whoever was assaulting me threw me to the ground, I scrambled to get away, but his boot connected with the back of my head. I pass out as I feel them start to carry me.