After several hours in the gel-chamber, the doctors let me out to talk to the base commander. I needed some answers.
The security team leads me through the door. Two figures standing at the far side of the room, talking to several holograms. "Counclier, I fought it myself. Amanti is still working on the EDEN project. If we don't stop them now, the'll acheive their goals."
The man beside him turns, "Perhaps we should finish quickly?" One of the holograms looks at me, "And you are?" Stepping forward, "I'm Jason, Green army, leader of the 203rd strike team."
The taller of the two people in front of me turns, "Told Nick it was him. We were about to pull out when their squad showed. You've seen the reports, One creature did this, not a whole team."
The middle hologram shook her head, "And your report says Jason was on the verge of death when he joined the fight? Why didn't you stop him?" The hologram to the right cut in, "It also says his armor locked up on him. 95 would be dead if he hadn't interfeared."
The other person turns back to the holograms, "One of these creature nearly killed them all. We need to finish this team so we can fight back. But we can't do it with our troops so ill-equiped." The holograms look to each other, "Agreed, Team SHADOW is now officially autherized. Lt. Commander 95, you're in charge."
The holograms cut off, both men turn and walk to me. "I'm colonel Moore, Feild commander at blue base. This is A95, Shadow team leader." I look at Moore, "I need to know what happened to green base!"
He walks over to a chair and takes a seat, "Green base was destroyed by the Vision of the 5th Amanti fleet. 95 and Nick watched it burn, then you're falcon attacked them. They shot you down, and set up camp two miles east of the debris. After subduing you, the were attacked by a strike team. an hour later, the three of you were brought back here. You've been here just over six hours."
95 looks at me, "You shouldn't be walking, you were on the verge of death from the crash. Then you yook 82 to the ground, and detonated a grenade while he choked you. How the hell did you survive that?" I look at my arms, covered in new scars, "I don't know. guess i got lucky."
Moore stands again, "Whatever the reason, you're good in a fight. We can use you on Shadow team, you up for some revenge?" I look back to 95 he steps forward, "I approve anyone on my team, luckily, i've seen him in action."
I look around the room, "I'll need some new armor, something good." Moore walks over and smiles, "We have just the thing, follow me."