CHAPTER 21: Secret Dates and Bouquet of Flowers

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Because the freshmen were enthusiastic enough to have a morning practice, Ryouko and her pack of first years can be seen running laps around the girls' track team's area at 6:30 in the morning.

After their routine run, Ryouko thanked the girls' track team's captain.

"No problem. As long as you promise to be a substitute ifever a runner is injured." She told Ryouko.

"Gladly." She answered and smiled.

"By the way, you're much cuter in person than in those photos that the photography club are selling." The captain told her.

"Really? Well, thanks." Ryouko replied in a nonchalant voice.

The captain laughed at her uninterested tone. "Do be careful. Pretty girls like you are in for a lot of admirers. And stalkers too. Especially stalkers." She told her.

"I think I can protect myself quite well. Thanks for worrying though, senpai. I'll get going. We still have thirty minutes of practice left." Ryouko said and went away.

As soon as she arrived in the court, the freshmen lined up.

"You guys in good shape today?" She asked.

"Hai, Ryouko-san!" They chorused.

"Now... Be aware that we will start with the footwork practice after school today. That's the first preparation for the jump rope practical exam. But for now, I'll check your forms, stances and swings. Only those that will be approved by me right now will be able to practice for the practical exam. You can't possibly achieve the training without proper and sturdy basic skills. You understand?" She said.

"Hai, Ryouko-san!" The freshmen chorused. Excitement and anticipation can be heard in their tone of voice.

"Glad to hear that you're feeling confident." She commented. "Warm up for five more minutes. Then we'll start."

Ritsu smiled. It's nice that he can work closely with Ryouko-san. She's just so cool. And kind too. He admired her a lot since the start of her transfer in Seishun Academy.

A small noise distracted Ritsu from his stretches.

He stopped and listened. "Is that a shutter sound?" He thought. He listened again. It was indeed the sound of a camera shutter.

Ritsu looked at the trees where the sound was coming from. There, he saw a hooded person with a camera. He looked at where the camera was pointing. It was directed at Ryouko.

Ritsu caught the attention of Kachirou, Mizuno and Horio by waving his hand meaningfully at them.

"What's up?" Horio asked.

"Why're you waving your hand like that?" Kachirou asked.

"Stop fooling around, Ritsu-kun. You better stretch properly." Mizuno half-scolded.

"Shh. Don't raise your voices." Ritsu whispered. "Look by those trees. There's someone suspicious. I think he's photographing Ryouko-san." He said.

The three looked and indeed, someone with a camera was there.

"Maybe it's a member of the photography club. You know... The ones who sell Ryouko-san's pictures." Kachirou mumbled in a quiet voice.

"If he's a member of the photography club, he doesn't need to wear a hood. Why is he dressed all in black? He should be in uniform. And everyone knows that Ryouko-san doesn't care about the photography club taking pictures of her. They sometimes ask her to stand still for a bit so they'll have good shots. There's no need to hide either." Ritsu whispered urgently.

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