CHAPTER 83: Curiosity Killed the Cat

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The maids and butlers strained their ears to a most unusual sound that is coming from the main sitting room of the second floor of the Atobe mansion. CEO Atobe's laughter is ringing clear, bouncing off of the white walls and sending echoes through the open mahogany doors.

The reason for such laughter stemmed from the pictures that he had been staring at for the last ten minutes. "Those boys sure outdid themselves..." He said with a chuckle. It seemed like the Hyotei boys are taking his little order quite seriously. CEO Atobe was quite amused at the results of their efforts.

They took photos of his son and Ryouko wearing the wedding attires in every angle possible. They even had shots of them as they were playing on the court. Keigo, the boy who always wore a smirk because of his inability to smile genuinely looked like he is enjoying himself. Well, since tennis is involved, CEO Atobe was not surprised about that.

However, the unfortunate incident that happened at the middle of the game did not please the chairman at all. Watching it on live video feed made the chairman stand up from his seat in shock. He had phoned Amane immediately after it happened and canceled the game but the latter had informed him that Ryouko had gained a visible wound on her back. He was planning on sending a doctor to look at it first thing in the morning.

After all, he wouldn't have his possible future daughter-in-law suffer the experience of having an ugly scar on her skin. He continued flipping photo after photo, the smile returning on his aged face.

Little did he know that something worse will happen to the girl that he is so fond of.


Horio, Kachiro and Mizuno met each other on the way to the tennis courts by coincidence as they did as Senri told them to. They couldn't help but gossip as they walked.

Senri rarely asks them for anything. No, he doesn't ask them about anything at all. They don't even talk that often. The only person Senri approaches during practice is Ryouko. Well, the reason why they were playing along with Senri's request is because he said that the meeting is about Ryouko. The boys couldn't resist being curious.

The more curious thing is that Senri also told them not to tell Ryouko about their early rendezvous. What is it that is so important that they have to gather to the meeting place early without involving the person that the information is about?

"Senri should better have a good reason for this..." Horio said as he shivered in his jersey. He tugged at his jacket and wrapped it tighter around him.

"I'm sure he does. I mean, it sounds really urgent... That text message." Kachiro replied.

"I just don't understand why we have to do this behind Ryouko-san's back. If it's about her, then why shouldn't she hear about it?" Mizuno commented.

"Idiot." Horio told him. Mizuno's neck swerved to his side. "The 'information' must be something that is not favorable to Ryouko. That's the only reason why people exclude a person from a discussion. You guys are so naïve." He explained.

"Are you saying that Senri will tell us something bad about Ryouko?" Kachiro said with wide eyes. "That's impossible. Senri adores her. I can't even imagine him doing that." He added.

"Okay, genius. What do you think he's gonna tell us about her then?" Horio said sarcastically.

"I don't know... Maybe he wants to throw a party or something, once the training is over. Or maybe he wants us to buy her a small gift to show our gratitude for all her efforts." Mizuno answered.

Horio rolled his eyes. "You innocent goody-two-shoes... Whatever. I don't know about you guys, but I have a bad feeling about this. I can feel it in my gut." He told them.

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