Rant 29: Getting writing mojo back after binge watching

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I binged watched SG-1, episode after episode after episode after episode, two three weeks ago where I was on season 8.  Eventually I looked ahead and read the summery for the future episodes after season 8. Eventually I would do nothing but sit there and watch SG-1 (because I looked forward to certain episodes such as Window of Opportunity and Daniel's ascension and the wormhole extreme episode but I am seriously doubting on going forwards to season 10 to the 200th episode even though I watched the opening clip) and be fascinated with it.  It dealt with similar subjects like Star Trek except it was through a Star Gate!


I pried myself off by watching short busts and getting myself back into the groove of Star Trek writing.

It was difficult, man.

I don't know how other writers manage to write while binge watching or after the binge watching for that matter.

While prying myself off SG-1, I took the time to read some SG-1 fanfics.

A couple of death fics, two to three Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill fanfics, and AU fanfics.

Anyway, I amma pry myself off  SG-1 again if I do manage to get to the end of season 8.

Because the end of season 8 was, as I read, supposed to be the series end of SG-1.

I am kind of mixed.

Do I want to move to the Orci or just imagine the two other seasons never happened?

Very mixed about this, seriously.

I have one memory of the first SG-1 movie that had the replicators taking over a man's entire body and become a robotic skeleton shortly after he was killed. I remember the entire SG-1 second movie. So I can't rewatch it.

Getting my writing groove/mojo back on took precedence over watching TV. Brainstsorming. Writing. Playing with ideas. And then writing one of my longest one chaptered novel sized 38k I am busy, Jim story on AO3.  Sure that did get my writing mojo back. It gave me some potential story ideas to play with, a couple of AU's I could do, and I am not exactly sure if anyone has written a Captain McCoy centric story but I did it. I did it. I DID IT :D And it was fun! I had to listen  to some sad song when writing the storyline for specific scenes and I took some small inspiration from other death fics that people could gasp and recognize "THAT HAPPENED IN SO AND SO" including a scene of them crossing over taken inspiration from the final scene of Lost.

I read a lot of tropes on TV Tropes while writing it.

I used a couple of tropes. 

Sometimes when writing the sad scene it got me teared up in the moment.

My fingers felt sluggish when attempting to write.  When I hit writers block I had to find  a way around it or push forwards. Determination at its finest. Only three times in the writing process did I have to put three scenes into the deleted scenes document (fifth version, if you are wondering). Writing time skips, sure, it did help. Though I had to keep continuity going within the story. And brace yourself for a spoilish scene that was removed and replaced/written because  I thought Leonard should not be talking to Xon for most of the story to the end.

"Charlotte." Leonard awoke, sensing that Charlotte, his daughter's child's daughter who was quite young.

Leonard walked down the hallway hearing her laughter.

"Charlotte!" Leonard repeated.

He heard Charlotte's giggle.

"Charlotte, get the hell back to bed--" Leonard came to the doorway where he saw a familiar Romulan, scarred all over, staring a hole right into his forehead. Didn't he die not too long ago? "Charlotte . . . Step away from the Romulan."

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