Rant 33: Spirk plus McSpirk

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Spirk is the granddaddy of Slash. Spock and Kirk. In the picture above is my favorite Old Married Spirk picture from the Prime Universe created by Gene Roddenberry. They have been around for fifty years. In those passing years, the issue with homosexuality has changed. It was also William Shatner's fault that the shipping started. From what I read he had no idea what a friend was and used his experience with who he considered was his friend to relay the best friend vibe. Which gave us the lovely stares at Spock. Bill ships Spirk. You can easily tell in the movie he directed being The Final Frontier.  In season 2, Gene Roddenberry made them 'Partners' in a sense bringing the two together and make them iconic to keep the show afloat. Which, generally, roped in McCoy.

In 1979, The Motion Picture came out.

And it was gay as hell.

And recieved the worst because of V'Gers plot but otherwise the iconic scene where Jim is holding Spock's hand is considered 'Vulcan kissing' because Spock is touch telepathic and the way he was looking at Spock and "This simple feeling . . . . V'ger does not understand" Which we all know by the end of the movie is: love. It sells the relationship subtle between the captain and the commander. In order for me to get to the core of this rant, I must go in chronological order of their blatant relationship. In the novel version of The Motion Picture, Spock refers to Jim as his T'hy'la. There is a footnote in the novel that reads "T'hy'la: Brother, lover, and friend." From excerpts of the novel on the internet I can tell that all three applied to Jim and Spock.

The Wrath of Khan.

"I have, and always shall be, yours."

That is when he gives Jim The tale of two cities.

Now, I don't know what will convince people that they were married then in the way of Vulcan with a marriage bond  BUT THEY WERE MARRIED! And it sounds like it were intended to be romantic which it was in the case of the audience. I don't know how people are convinced that they were best friends. Why would Spock be Jim's if they were simply friends? That doesn't make sense.  It further does not make sense when Spock basically called Jim his soulmate in The Motion Picture Novelization and that one episode where the insane former captain asks if they were indeed like brothers.

"I have, and always shall be, your friend."

That is when Spock dies.

The death of Spock emotionally affects Jim. You can see that it hurts. It hurts like hell. Giving that speech was like saying goodbye to his wife. In the next movie The Search for Spock, the feelings Jim is feeling is profound and blatant. Sad, depressed, and a part of himself is missing. He gets McCoy out of Spock's former quarters where the doctor speaks strangely which confuses the good admiral. Eventually we learn that Spock let his Katra, his soul to speak, to McCoy. Originally, as Sarek puts it, his katra was to be put into Jim's head and then taken to Ancient Hall of  Thought. It was in his will. Now, since Spock put that in his will, it means there is something more between the two. The look on Jim's face sells it and what does next sells it even harder. He gets McCoy out of jail  (from attempting to be taken to Genesis). After escaping Star Fleet, they heard  Spock's voice from McCoy. It is partially heart wrenching for Jim and heart breaking,you can see the sadness on his face.

Jim risks his sons life to save Spock.

Jim destroys the Enterprise to save Spock.

Jim risked his life to save  Spock.


We know Jim would never risk or destroy the  Enterprise unless it were for someone more important to him. Now his friendship with Spock can't be that important. Can it? HIS T'HY'LA'S BODY IS ON GENISYS AND HE WOULD DO ANYTHING TO RESCUE IT. AND BRING HIS SPACE HUSBAND TO LIFE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? OH RIGHT, CAPS LOCK IS ON. MY BAD ^>^;

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