Rant 50: Pokemon sun and moon free demo review

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After wrangling with connecting my 3DS to a 3DS account thing for E-Nintendo shop to download the free demo, I got to play the game. The graphics were amazing. I mean, it blew me away. The graphics were better than the redone red ruby and Pokemon XY. No longer were the character small and chibi like. But the unusual perk was to open the door by pressing 'A'. Which was entirely new. I liked that part about the game. At the bottom of the screen upon entering battle, you had something entirely new. You had a mini representation of the battle inbetween the four buttons: bag,pokemon, flee, and attack. They were placed differently. Unlike how it was in the previous battle--wait, lemme check. It's different from the omega red redo that had three options with the fight option in the middle as it was traditionally.

The only downside to it was that there wasn't a save button. I thought for a demo it would have that. (I gave up on red ruby because the boat never came). Anyway. The dinosaur dragon I found in the cave, evolution wise, was freaking adorable. And out of the cave? That was just majestic. The game play was so cool, intriging, fascinating, and reminded me how Pokemon Pearl stood out to it in terms of graphics and game play. And how old it was. The game itself made me feel old. The game play felt aboslutelty fine. You didn't need to resort to the holographic communicator every single time after finishing a step. That part was annoying. I planned on getting a Rowlet. Because ever since Pokemon Leaf Green, I have been choOsing grass starters. I picked Treeko. Then after my first game play I would chose different starters and replay the game. I picked fire starters second. Then the water starters afterwards.

Focus on the word 'planned'.

After the trial, there came up the video.


Basically it went, "There are more adventures in the full version! Buy it

November 18th!"

Me: "Shit."

I planned on playing through the game to get me off my obsession of checking up what Donald Trump has also screwed up upon and to get myself uninterested by the end of the day on the game. Well, I didn't get the full game. But! The ride on the Tauros was fine. I GOT TO USE STRENGTH OR WHATEVER MOVE TO KICK DOWN SOME BOULDERS. WOW, THAT, WAS, LIKE, FUN! Better than using the goat pokemon to lurk around in one of the Pokemon games around a certain area. I had more mobility in this ride. wait. i didn't fight that one trainer! I MUST GO. BE BACK.

I'm back!

After facing four trainers, retrieving a five pointed star, the game saving, and catching two pokemon then releasing them, I have returned to writing this review I do have to compliment the effort to include the sounds of the footstep, the sounds of the corsala, the machokes, and the wild pokemon out there. Upon returning to the cave,there were two machokes in the way that blocked me from going any further. So I decided to end the game. But I do have to return tomorrow to see what a character has to give. Looks like I will have to talk to everyone again in the morning in the game. Anyway, I am getting Pokemon Moon on November 18th. Because I have to explore the game AND PLAY IT. The game play was so fluid and smooth. It felt like I was in the actual anime. Playing the anime, really. I did get annoyed with the gate opening transitioning. Could they not make a transition of the character opening the gate and going through it? I hope the actual game is better than that. I liked the texture of the grass. The up close view of the characters when speaking with them. THAT WAS JUST AMAZING. I liked the mini picture of the main character. It was a lot better than the one in alpha red. Or whatever it is called. You would think I know the name by heart but I do not. I quite enjoyed the game, enough said.

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