Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Eriol was sitting on his chair and staring blankly at the now empty seat in front of him.

“Eriol!” he heard someone called his name out but he didn’t pay much attention to it and he just kept on wandering off to his own Tomoyo world. ‘I wonder what she’s doing right now?’ he thought to himself but someone had pushed him off of his chair that had caused him to return back to the real world.

“Huh? Oh Sakura-chan and my cute little descendant, why did you pushed me off of my chair?” he said accusingly to his two friends.

“For your information Mr. Hiragizawa, we had been calling out your name for the last 15 minutes and you’re not even responding. Is there any chance that you’re thinking of my best friend?” Sakura asked him with an I-know-something-that-you-didn’t-tell-us look.

“Okay I give up. What’s the use of hiding it now right? It’s just not the same without Tomoyo-san here.” He replied looking again on the empty chair in front of him.

“Is that all?” Syaoran raised one of his brows.

“Syaoran! That’s not nice! If Eriol-kun doesn’t want to tell us then don’t force him!” Sakura scolded her boyfriend though it is clear that she didn’t mean what she had just said.

“Both of you were really torturing me. Alright I’ll admit it! I like her! Are you two happy now?” As Eriol looked at his two friends he saw them with big grins on their faces.

“Finally he had admitted it! How about we celebrate later after class?” Sakura asked the two boys while jumping up and down.

“Hmmm. That sounds like a good idea. So Eriol, when do you plan to tell her?” Syaoran faced Eriol.

“Actually, I was thinking of telling her when she returns here.” Eriol told the two of them but it seems like Sakura was not listening at all.

“I have a better idea! How about you tell her while she’s on her trip with her mom! With our magic we can easily locate where she is and teleport you there. Oh! It’ll be very romantic!” she told them with sparkles in her eyes.

“I guess that’ll work. So we better start planning it. Eriol when do you think you want to do this?” Syaoran who’s unbelievably into the whole plan as well, asked Eriol.

“How about three days from now? I have to give them some bonding time before I just come in front of them and start confessing.” Eriol told the two and with that they started planning for the big day.

The next day they continued on planning for Eriol’s big confession but they seem to have some trouble on locating where Tomoyo might be. This had been their problem until the supposedly date that Eriol would confess but to no avail they can’t locate the raven haired Daidouji heiress.

“Oh you don’t think something had happened to Tomoyo-chan right?” Sakura asked, worried for her best friend’s safety.

“Don’t worry Sakura, I’m sure they’re just fine. Maybe it’s just that they are in a very faraway place that our magic can’t reach.” Syaoran assured his girlfriend.

“Let’s just try again maybe we can now find her.” Eriol told the two.

The three of them formed a circle and chanted some words to show them where Tomoyo is. If they don’t have any trouble at all with finding Tomoyo, just one of them might have been enough to do all the spells they need, but the two boys noticed that it seems like there’s a barrier that’s preventing them from finding where the Daidouji heiress is. After they had finished the spell, a light appeared in the middle of their circle and a blurred image of somewhat like a house appeared.

“Where’s Tomoyo-chan? Why can we only see a blurred house?” Sakura asked the two boys who also seemed to be in deep thought.

“That house is exactly like the house that’s near in my house in London. I’m sure of it! Then that’s all I need, I’ll go there right now.” Eriol told them but before they could reply, he was already out of sight.

Meanwhile with Tomoyo two days ago….

“Tomoyo-sama, all the preparations had just finished we can now start your coming of age ceremony.” Sonomi told her, what everyone in Tomoeda know as her daughter.

“Okay I’ll go there now. Is Uncle Akira already there?” Tomoyo asked while getting her things that she’ll need in her coming of age ceremony.

“Yes Tomoyo-sama.”

Tomoyo and Sonomi headed down the stairs to meet a hall full of pale colored people and at the end of the hall is a young man with dark brown hair, amethyst eyes like Tomoyo and who look like he’s just about a few years older than the raven haired girl. As Tomoyo walked towards the end of the hall, the people around her were bowing they respect to her. When she reach the end of the hall where the young man was, she smiled in recognition to the man.

“It’s good to see you again Tomoyo-chan. You’ve grown very pretty.” The young man said.

“It’s good to see you too as well Uncle Akira. Shall we start?” Tomoyo asked the man she called uncle and the latter nodded in agreement.

“Everyone, I would like to thank all of you for coming to my niece’s coming of age ceremony. So, in behalf of my brother and his wife I’ll lead this ceremony.” He said as he faced Tomoyo once again and he leaned towards her. Tomoyo on the other hand tilted her head to show her neck and in just a matter of seconds, her uncle had bitten her neck that made her pass out.

“Now that the ceremony had started, I want you to enjoy the celebration while we wait for my precious niece to wake up from her slumber.” Akira told the crowd of people while gently laying Tomoyo on the sofa near them.

As Akira had told them, the guests had enjoyed the party while waiting for Tomoyo to wake up. They had danced, talked and drank some unique kind of drink. Everyone had stopped what they’re doing when they heard Tomoyo slightly waking up.

“Great now that Tomoyo had finally woken up, I would now present you my niece Tomoyo Daidouji, now officially a pure blood.” Akira announced to the crowd.

Now let’s go back to the present…

Tomoyo was walking along the halls of her new home when her throat, felt like it was burning. Without even thinking, she had run towards where the cause of her pain in her throat is coming from. When he reached the entrance of the hall she saw a man with midnight blue hair facing her. Though she knew that she know the man, her mind was somewhat over powered with the intense thirst and the burning feeling on her throat. So, without even giving the man a chance to run away, she had launched toward the man and sank her teeth towards the neck of the man. At that time she could only hear a very familiar voice call out her name.


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