Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“It’s time to wake up now Tomoyo-sama.” Aerish said while opening the window curtains.

“Good morning Aerish. Is there any new requests?” Tomoyo said while rubbing her eyes.

“None Tomoyo-sama and Akira-sama also said that he’ll not be able to come back today.” Aerish told Tomoyo.

“I see, has Eriol woken up yet?” Tomoyo asked.

“Not yet Tomoyo-sama and can I give you some advice?” Aerish asked Tomoyo.

“Okay go ahead.” Tomoyo gave her permission.

“I suggest that you loosen up a bit on teasing Eriol-kun. He might hate you even more.” Aerish told her.

“It’s just fine since he already hates me and besides I hate him as well so what’s the difference?” Tomoyo told her.

“There’s a big difference Tomoyo-sama.” Aerish said.

“Huh? Anyway, could you go to Eriol and bring him breakfast? He might not eat breakfast again. I want you to make sure that he eats his breakfast.” Tomoyo ordered.

“Yes Tomoyo-sama.” Aerish said before leaving Tomoyo’s room.


“I see that you’re now awake. Here’s your breakfast.” Aerish said while holding a tray of food.

“Did your evil mistress tell you to bring that to me?” Eriol asked Aerish.

“Yes and Tomoyo-sama is a nice and gentle person. So please bear that in mind.”Aerish told him.

“Tomoyo? A nice and gentle person? How can she be like that when she’s not even a person?” Eriol said to Aerish not believing what Aerish had just said.

“Do you want to know how I became a vampire?” Aerish asked him.

“Just do what you want.”

“It happened when Tomoyo-sama was just seven years old.”


A black haired girl with dark brown eyes was sitting in the side of the streets in the wintery night. She had a very frail and ragged body. The girl looked like she’s a seventeen year old girl.

“Please spare me some of your change.” The girl said to the passers.

Then the girl felt her stomach ache so much that she can’t do anything but just to hug her own tummy as if to ease the pain. Soon she had started coughing continuously with blood coming out of her own mouth with each cough. She was about to give up and just let herself fell into unconsciousness when she felt a small warm hand touch her very cold skin.

“Do you want your life to just end this way or do you want to have a new life?” the little girl before her asked.

“What do you mean?” Aerish managed to say in a very weak voice.

“Let’s just say that if I can give you a new life would you accept it?” The little girl asked her.

“Who are you?” Aerish asked her.

“I’m Tomoyo Daidouji but you look like you need some heat in your body. Sonomi, please carry her to the car.” Tomoyo told the woman who had short red hair beside her.

“Yes Tomoyo-sama.” Sonomi said to Tomoyo before lifting Aerish towards the car. When they’re inside the car, Tomoyo made a little light come put from her little finger and transferred it to Aerish’s body.

“Are you feeling much better now?” Tomoyo asked her.

“Yes thank you so much but what did you do?” Aerish said feeling her body getting warm.

“I just gave your body a little warmth. So what’s your name?” Tomoyo asked her while arranging some foods in a tray of food.

“You can just call me Aerish. How old are you exactly?” Aerish asked Tomoyo.

“I’m seven years old.” Tomoyo answered

“You’re just seven years old?! What are you?” Aerish asked her getting more confuse.

“I’m a vampire and that brings us back to my question do you want to be like me?” Tomoyo asked her once again.

“You already gave me a new life so how can I reject your offer. I’ll be your loyal servant forever.” Aerish promised Tomoyo.

“Thank you Aerish.” Tomoyo said.

“It’s a pleasure to be able to serve you Tomoyo-sama.”

*end of flashback*

“So, she made me a vampire and look at me now. I’m no longer begging for spare changes or even rummaging food from garbage. It’s all thanks to Tomoyo-sama. She saved me from dying.” Aerish finished her story.

“Oh so she save you from dying? I bet she only did that to have a new servant. She just needed more followers that’s why she saved you. Don’t think too much of her. She’s just pure evil and nothing else.” Eriol said to Aerish though it’s more like he’s trying to convince his self.

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