Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

“Eriol, could you buy these things from this list? I kind of miss the Japanese food already.” Tomoyo ordered Eriol with a little bit of teasing tone.

“Fine! Whatever you said you witch!” Eriol said with all the hatred that he could manage.

“Oh how cute of my little servant but I’m a vampire not a witch.” Tomoyo teased him once again.

“Whatever!” Eriol shouted.

“You’re such an obedient servant. Oh and Aerish would you mind accompanying Eriol to the market?” Tomoyo said facing the black haired girl with dark brown eyes.

“Yes mistress.” The girl said while bowing her head.


“Huh? The items in this list were all foods?” Eriol said with pure confusion.

“Even if we are vampires, we can eat and live with human food only but of course it’s much more satisfying when we drink human blood.” Aerish told him.

“You know I can do all this without your help. So, you can come back to your evil mistress.” Eriol noted with bitterness.

“The mistress is a very kind and gentle person so don’t say things like that towards the mistress. You don’t know her.” Aerish told him a little bit pissed by what Eriol had said.

“Maybe I don’t but I know enough things about her to know that she’s just like any other of her kind.” Eriol said leaving the pissed Aerish behind.


“Aerish, why are you back already? Where’s Eriol?” Tomoyo asked.

“He said he’ll be fine by himself so I let him be.” Aerish replied still a bit pissed by what Eriol had said earlier.

“It’ll be getting dark soon and there are a lot of vampires here right now. Look for him if he doesn’t come back in one hour.” Tomoyo told her three servants.


“She said I don’t know her? Hmpf… What more is there to know? She’s a vampire, the one that we sorcerers were bound to keep away from humans. They’re just a couple of pests in this world that needs to be cleaned.” Eriol said with disgust.

“So, we’re just pests for you little sorcerer?” A man with dark hair and eyes with matching pale skin said.

“Yes so what about it?” Eriol said.

“Maybe it’s time to teach you a little lesson.” Another man said with the same features as the previous man.

“You can try if you want but I bet I can beat all of you up!” Eriol said when another man came out of view. He reached for his sun key in his pocket but he remembered that Tomoyo had gotten it from him earlier before he had gone out. Realizing that he’s in a bit trouble, he tried to think of a way to get away from the three vampires in front of him. He figured that there’s no chance of getting away from the three so the only way of surviving is by fighting the three vampires in which he had little chance of winning. Eriol had grabbed the first thing that his hand had reached which he found out was just a rotten French bread.

“Oh so you’re fighting us with a piece of bread? Sorry to disappoint you little sorcerer but we’ll not be defeated with just a mere bread.” The first vampire said to him before launching towards him and before he knew it the first vampire was already in front of him. The vampire hit his stomach that made him cough out some blood.

“I thought you can beat us up?” The second vampire asked him before hitting him on his cheeks.

“You’re blood smells good for a rotten sorcerer like you I can’t control myself anymore.” The third vampire said while licking his lips.

“Hey be sure to give us some as well.” The first vampire said.

“Of course all of us will have a fair share of his blood.” The third vampire assured the other two vampires. He was about to sink his teeth on Eriol’s neck when he heard a voice order him to stop.

“Stop whatever you’re doing right now! He’s my servant and I don’t want you to touch ‘my’ servant!” Tomoyo said to the three vampires.

“Tomoyo-sama, we’re sorry we didn’t know but he’s speaking ill things about our kinds that we’re not able to control ourselves.” The second vampire told Tomoyo while kneeling down on his knees with the other two vampires.

“Don’t worry I forgive you. I’ll be the one to punish his little act and don’t worry I won’t go easy on him. Now all of you go home now.” Tomoyo ordered them.

“Yes Tomoyo-sama.” All three of them said at the same time before leaving.

“It seems like you need a severe punishment my little servant.” Tomoyo said to Eriol but she didn’t get a response from him.

“Let’s see what should I do with you? I can let you clean up the whole house or maybe hmmm… oh yeah you’re going to serve me even when we return to our school. You’ll make me my lunch and clean up and be beside me all the time.” Tomoyo said with an evil grin written all over her face.

“I don’t care anymore just say whatever you want to say.” Eriol told Tomoyo.

“You really are a very obedient servant! I had decided since I’m now able to control my thirst very well, we can go back to Tomoeda in about a week or two!” Tomoyo decided.

“The sooner I leave from this place the better.” Eriol grunted.

“Great! You also agree on whatever I say! You really are a great servant!” Tomoyo said in a teasing tone.


“Here’s your dinner.” Eriol said while putting a plate in front of Tomoyo.

“I think you’re forgetting something my dear little servant.” Tomoyo said and for the first time ever, Eriol finally understands how Syaoran felt whenever he calls him his little descendant.

“Here’s your dinner Tomoyo-s-s-sa-ma.” Eriol struggled to say.

“Oh and Eriol before I forget, I just wanted to make things clear for you. It is true that I hate sorcerers like you but since you are now my servant, you are now my responsibility. So, whatever happens to you from now on, I will be responsible for that. You better think carefully before doing anything.” Tomoyo said in an authoritative tone.

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