Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Eriol didn’t realize that he himself had drifted off to sleep as well. It’s already dark and he had just noticed that Tomoyo’s no longer there. With one swift move, he immediately jumped off to his feet and was determined to look for the amethyst eyed girl.

‘She couldn’t have left me right?’ Eriol asked to himself. He didn’t know why but his feet were dragging him towards the part of the meadow were the irises bloom better than the other parts of the meadow. When he reach the farthest side of the meadow, there he saw Tomoyo sitting in front of a somewhat looks like a tomb to him. He was about to approach her when he noticed something sparkled near her eyes.

‘Were those tears?’ He thought to himself. At first he had hesitated on approaching her but he still walk towards the girl’s side. He saw that there was a name written in the tomb. He tried to read it but the name was written in Greek and he can’t read it.

“It’s Suoh Daidouji.” Eriol heard Tomoyo say in a very soft voice.

“Huh?” Was all he’s able to say.

“If you’re wondering what’s written in this tomb, it’s Suoh Daidouji.” Tomoyo explained and before Eriol could asked her who he is she continued. “He was my big brother and today was the day that he had died.” Tomoyo said with a sad smile. Eriol wanted to say something anything just to make his plum blossom feel better but he just stayed there looking at her as if waiting for her to continue.

“On my 6th birthday he was the first one to wake me up and greet me a happy birthday. Also on that day he had given me a bouquet of irises and after that he played the song that he had composed just for my birthday. We had eaten pancakes with a lot of maple syrup that day as well and when we had finished breakfast, big brother asked me to come with him and he’ll show me where he had gotten those irises that he gave me. We had gone here at this same meadow and just relaxed here until it’s time for us to eat our lunch. We were on our way to our house when we smelled blood. It’s not just ordinary blood but it’s a vampire’s blood…” Tomoyo said incoherently with tears continuously flowing down her cheeks. She had stayed silent for a couple of minutes staring at the tomb when suddenly a strike of lightning flash from the night sky.

Eriol suddenly felt a pair of trembling hands grab his arm. When he looked at his side he saw Tomoyo’s face full of fear and her whole body shaking. He didn’t know how to calm her down so he just spread his arms around her trembling body while reassuring her that he’ll protect her. He didn’t know how long they had stayed in the meadow in the same position but he know that they had been gone for a very long time that he’s sure that Tomoyo’s servants were now very worried for her safety. He was about to tell Tomoyo that they should go home but he noticed that she had fallen asleep. He didn’t want to wake Tomoyo up so he just lift her into his arms and went towards the mansion.


A few minutes had passed and they had arrived the mansion and as Eriol expected Sonomi and the other servants were very worried about where their mistress is now.

“Mistress!” Sonomi immediately ran after she saw Eriol carrying Tomoyo.

“What happened to her? Is she alright? Is she hurt?”Yuko asked with pure worry.

“Don’t worry she just fell asleep.” Eriol said and then continued. “I’ll bring her to her room now.”


When  Eriol had already put Tomoyo on her bed, he can’t help but notice that Tomoyo is like an angel when she’s sleeping. In fact even if she’s not sleeping she looks like an angel.

‘What’s really on your mind Tomoyo? There are times when you’re so evil and there are time when you’re being kind even if you don’t want to admit it and most of all there are times when you look like you’re so fragile that you can break anytime just like today. I hope there’s a way that I can help you but I don’t know how. After I heard your story it seems like we’re almost the same losing our parents at such a young age but I still can’t understand what you’re really thinking.’ Eriol thought but then he was interrupted in his thoughts when he heard Tomoyo’s voice.

“Don’t go please don’t leave me! Big brother!”

“Tomoyo, wake up your just dreaming!” Eriol said while trying to wake her up.

When Tomoyo woke up he saw tears in her eyes and he didn’t know what he’s thinking but he just suddenly hugged Tomoyo to comfort her. At that moment Eriol felt like everything is so right yet so wrong then it came to him. He had already decided.

‘Now I know that even though you’re a vampire, it’ll still not change the fact that I’m in love with you and I will never deny it ever again. I’ll protect you and make you happy with all my strength. I love you Tomoyo Daidouji.’ Eriol thought to himself while hugging the plum blossom in his arms.

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