Chapter 10

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After Adelaide’s visit in the Las Vegas jail I was in, we had not talked. I was living by myself in California because the tour was over. I missed her. I knew I was still super pissed with her and she probably was with me. I was sitting on the couch watching Full House, since there was nothing else on. My phone started ringing. Liam was calling.

“Yeah man?” I asked. “Louis, get down to St. Mary’s now.” He sounded rushed and terrified. “Liam? What’s wrong?” I got nervous and grabbed my keys and ran outside. “Its Adelaide man. She was in a terrible car accident. The doctors said she has a 50/50 chance of living.” My mouth opened, tears clouded my eyes, and my phone fell to the floor. I sat there; frozen because I couldn’t believe what Liam had just told me. This girl that I had loved, that was severely injured after visiting me after my stupid ass actions. I had zoned out for a few minutes until I realized that Liam was still on the phone. I picked it back up and put it to my ear, “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I got my keys, and didn’t even worry about grabbing a jacket, or brushing my hair. My girlfriend’s life was at risk. The whole way to hospital, I couldn’t stop thinking about the last words I had said to her, “Rot in hell bitch. Goodbye.” Was last night’s argument my last conversation with her ever? I couldn’t help but break down into tears. Driving and crying is not a simple multi-tasking thing. Adelaide and I had our share of arguments, hell; last night was our first one.  But, behind all the bullshit that the argument we had last night was about, I still had strong feelings for her, and I still loved her.

I pulled into hospital and ran as fast as I could to the secretary’s desk. “Excuse me, hi. Could you please tell me where—“ “You must be Adelaide’s boyfriend. She is on the second floor, room 293.” The secretary responded. I decided to take the stairs, my girlfriend could die at any moment, and the elevator could take too much time away from me being by her side. I came to Adelaide’s room. Her mum and the lads were by her bedside. I ran in to see IVs stuck in her, and a tube coming out of her mouth, with machines surrounding her. Oh my God. Why is this fucking happening to her? I thought to myself as I put the tip of my fist over my mouth to prevent from crying. Niall stood awkwardly at the other side of the room, but approached me. “Louis. I’m sorry. For everything. If it wasn’t for me, she wouldn’t be here. Hell, we ALL wouldn’t be here right now. And what I said-“ I cut him off. “Don’t worry about it mate. I cant get through this without your alls help. Its fine.” A smile approached his face. I walked over to her mum, and rubbed her back. “How is she doing?” I asked while choking on tears. “She’s doing well, the doctors said. But, she still has the risk.” She said, placing a hand on her daughters. “Do you all mind? Could I please have a couple moments alone with her?” I asked and they all agreed and left the room. I sat down on the bed next to her. I grabbed her hand and began to speak. “Addy. Its me, Louis. Your boyfriend. The one who loves you. Who never wants anything bad to happen to you. The one who- who put you in this bed. If I wouldn’t have been such a dick to you, you wouldn’t be here. And now, you could leave this world, me, your friends, and your family, because of my asinine mistake. I remember when I first saw you. That concert, during ‘Little Things.’ You were beautiful, and I knew that I wanted you. So bad, I could taste it. Babe, I gave up my virginity to you.” My lip was quivering by this time and I began to sob. “Don’t worry my love. You will wake up. You will be taken care of. You will recover from this horrific accident.” I glanced down at her hands. “Your hands; they are so cold. But your lips, are still crimson. Means you still have life inside of you.” I paused and my eyes explored her injured and beaten body. She had bruises and cuts everywhere. I then decided to sing her favorite song. It was Ed Sheeran’s The A Team. “Here love. I will sing a song for you. Your favorite.” I then began to recite lyrics from the song. ‘ And they say, she’s in the class a team. Stuck in her daydream, been this way since eighteen but lately her face seems, slowly sinking, wasting. Crumbling like pastries, and they scream, the worst things in life come free to us. Cause we’re just, under the upper hand. Im going mad for a couple grams, and she don’t want to go outside, tonight. And in a pipe, she flies to the motherland, or sells love to another man. Its to cold outside, for angels to fly. I then cried, and told her the most important thing that she needed to know, “I love you, to the moon and back.”

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