Escaping Hell

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Chaz’s POV

*two years later*

The past two years have been… unexplainable. The family have become distant, but at least my dad, siblings and I are still close, thankfully.

A year ago ‘uncle Tom’ killed mum with this poison. I’m really angry at him, but I’m going to bring him down soon with Crystal and Willy. But I need to tell dad ‘because I don’t want him to worry.

“Daddy?” I asked wanting to know if he’s still here and he is as he looked at me waiting for me to continue.

“Yes my son”

“I have a way to escape but I will have to come back for you. I’ll take Crystal and Willy with me and tell the police where you are so they can save you and arrest Tom. Is that ok? Because I lost mum and I can’t lose you and my siblings as well. Can I try and get us help?” I nervously asked the man I had looked up to my life, my dad. He was so strong, brave, successful and protective, even through all this he was. I know he loves us, more than life itself.

I looked up at him and saw he was looking at me with tears in his eyes and a proud glint in them too, making me so happy I said this.

“Son, I love you, Crystal and Willy. I’m so proud of you my boy. Do what you can to keep your siblings safe. Find the police, tell them where I am and make sure they lock up Tom. You are going to be a great man when you grow up Chaz. Love you my boy.” He said to me with a proud smile stretched across his face.

“Thank you dad”

*one week later*

“Dad, we are going now.” I told him hoping it won’t be the last time.

“Ok Chaz look after your brother and sister for me please.”

“I will”

I untied the rope on my siblings and myself. Opened the window in the basement and helped Crystal out first, then Willy and finally myself.

I looked around and found that we were in the middle of the forest. Vultures were surrounding the little shack house.

I grabbed my sibling’s hands and began walking, after a few hours we had reached town and the police station was right across from us. YESSSSSS!!! I can save dad, safe at last.

I walked inside the police station with my siblings flanking me. I went to the first desk and asked if I could see the Chief as it was an emergency and they agreed.

He was called and came out from the back room and called us over.

“Hey kids”

“Hi sir”

“What’s your names and ages?”

“I’m Chaz: 16, my sister Crystal: 12 and my brother Willy: 10, our last name is Jacobs. We can as we have important information on my father and a drug gang. We have just escaped.”

He was looking at me impressed for some reason but said nothing so I kept talking.

“This guy named Tom Hades had kept us captive for 2 years. He killed our mother with cyanide. He got at least 5 men from his gang to physically abuse us every day and he joined in. he is a drug lord and is set on killing my father for something that happened in the past. I can’t lose my father, I just can’t. He and my siblings are all I got left. Please help us. PLEASE!” I was begging by the end with tears running down my face.

He said nothing, just got up went to the door and stuck his head out calling to get a team of 20 ready to go on the field. He then turned back at us and told me to lead the way.

“Ok but can I leave my siblings here, so I know they are safe?”

Again he said nothing just nodded and walked out the room

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