I was about 4 or 5 years old when new guy came up. I was nervous at first but came to like him. He kept buying me my cheese burgers. Loved this new guy. Found out his name is Brian, and also found out he's my new step dad. I was so happy! He made me feel like I was wanted, he made me happy that I had a dad back in my life even though he wasn't my full dad. I never understood why mommy and real daddy had been apart, I was only 5.
At their wedding I was the flower girl and I was so shy I didn't throw one petal out. I hugged Brian, I called him daddy, kissed him on the cheek and everything. I found out couple days before the wedding I was going to have a baby sister. Her name was going to be a princess name just like mine. I was so excited. At this point I got to feel her kick in my mom's stomach. I couldn't wait until I got to hold her. Then of course had to ask my mom how babies were made. Well according to my mom a bird poops an egg on a rock, doctors make you eat it, then you lay in the sun to make it hatch and have a kid. After hearing that I didn't want any kids. Anyway back to how happy I was with Brian, but hey, I didn't tell you everything...
Guess what happened? I went to see my real dad, he told me something shitty and I never looked or talked to Brian the same way again. To this day I wish I remember what he had said. I remember I was with my brother that day and we went out to get ice cream. My mom had told my dad she was on her way to get me so we headed back to the house. I remember when my mom pulled into the drive way and he told me something and I started crying. I didn't tell my mom what was wrong. Never again have I wanted to hug Brian again, never wanted to kiss him on the cheek, and never wanted to call him daddy again.
I found out my sister's name was Jasmine. We lived in a duplex not too long after she was born. I was sad to move away from my grandma and grandpa, but I still got to see them on the weekends. I remember wanting Jasmine to sleep in my room, but mom said no because I was too young. The last movie I remember watching in that room was Dogs Rule or something like that. I remember moving back in with my grandparents.
A week after we moved back in with my grandparents I had to go to the hospital. I had a puss pocket in the back of my throat and if it would've grew anymore I could've died. Funny thing is I don't remember ever seeing Brian in my hospital room. I saw almost everyone except my real dad and step dad. Hmm? I wonder why? I asked him and each time it was a lame excuse of I had work, I had to work over, I was on my way but there was a crash so I turned around. I got sick of his excuses I stopped asking. I see how he wanted to treat me after Jasmine was born.

Short StoryFrom what a girl remembers when she was little that lead up to who she is and why why she is the way she is.