~Kiara's P.O.V~
I can't believe I finally got rid of Evan I was so happy now that I had Logan. I really needed to stop doubting myself. When I got on my bus right after he asked me out I was smiling non-stop. I was smiling so much my cheeks started to hurt. I was so happy. Everyone got on the bus and we headed to the middle and elementary school to get everyone else. I had the very back seat on the right side. Devin sat with my like always and he looked happy.
"Why do you look so happy?"
"Because I am, why do you still look so happy?"
"Because I am, why are you happy?"
"I got a girlfriend today and I'm happy as fuck. Why are you happy?"
"I got a boyfriend and I'm happy as fuck. Now I see why we're friends."
"You know that stuff we did will have to stop?"
"I know I was just getting ready to tell you that."
"Were you really?"
"Yeah, I broke it off with Evan too."
"About fucking time Kiara! You were no where near happy with him. I made you more happy than he ever did."
"I loved him though. We had our fights, but I was just getting tired of it. It doesn't matter now."
"True, Carrolynn is such a grudge."
*laughs* "Stop being so mean to her."
"Why? She's stupid."
"So? You don't need to be mean to her. But I got to go my stop is next."
"Bye. I'll call you when I get home."
"You do that." He was a good friend. I'm so glad he found himself a girlfriend. I didn't want him to develop feelings for me. That wouldn't be good at all. I got home and Logan had already tried calling. My mom told him I wasn't home yet so then she told him she'd have me call him when I got home. So when I walked through the door and she told me to call Logan back. I smiled and told her how he asked me out that day and how I told him yes. She looked very happy. I grabbed a bottle of water and some cookies and went upstairs to my room. I threw my book bag onto the floor and grabbed the phone in my room. I dialed his number that I had already memorized.
"Hello?" God his voice makes me melt.
"Hey babe!"
*chuckles* "Damn already calling me babe? Does that mean I can call you babygirl now?"
"Duh! Are you going to start sitting with me at lunch?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"You ass! Yes you do!"
"Duh! Why wouldn't I sit with my wonderful girlfriend?"
"Maybe your friend are more important than me at lunch."
"Are you crazy? You will always be more important than my friends at any time."
"Aweee you're so sweet."
"I love you Kiara."
"I love you too Logan."
"I have to go work now. I will talk to you when I get off."
"Okay. Bye babe."
"Bye babygirl." He amazing. I've never felt this way about anyone. I really loved this dude. I felt like him and I would last forever. The bourbon festival was coming up so I ran down stairs and asked if Logan can go with us. My mom agreed so when Logan called I told him he can come with us.
*phones rings*
"I got it!"
"Hey babygirl, what are you doing?"
"Being happy. What about you?"
"Why? And same."
"You can come to the bourbon festival with us."
"I know and I'm sorry to do this but I got to go I'm really tired."
"It's fine babe. I'll talk to you later. Love you."
"Love you too, night."
"Night." I went to sleep thinking about what I wanted to do with him. I honestly couldn't wait.

Short StoryFrom what a girl remembers when she was little that lead up to who she is and why why she is the way she is.