Getting close to my grandmothers how I got to admit I was excited but at the same time I was still depressed. I brought all my stuff into the basement so we could take the moving truck back. I grabbed the main things I needed and went to my room. I wasn't so excited with the idea of sharing a room with my younger sister. What can make my day better? I sat down on my bed and called Logan.
"Hey Logan, it's me this is my house phone."
"Oh ok. How are you?"
"Horrible! I miss you so much."
"I miss you too."
"I love you. I really wish I didn't have to leave."
"I love you too. It would've been a lot better if you didn't."
"I know.."
"I'm sorry but I got to go to work. Love you baby."
"Love you too babe."
I hung up the phone and broke down in tears. My grandmother walked in and asked if I was okay and of course I said no. I didn't want to live there. I hate Indiana, I hate the jobs, I hate the schools, I hate everything about Lowell and Indiana. I fell asleep crying and dreamt of meeting up with Logan.
I woke up and ate then went outside. I went and told all of my friends how I lived there now. They were all so excited, but I wasn't. I had to go to the school to register so my mom wouldn't get in trouble for me not going to school. I like how they are less strict than my other school. Their dress-code is different and better than Thomas Nelson High School. I was sad that I had to start school soon.
The next day I just started to hang with my friends around my neighborhood even though I was still really upset and sad. Everything we did reminded me of Kentucky. Going through town I kept seeing people who reminded me of friends in Kentucky. I hated it. I couldn't get good sleep, I couldn't hang out with my friends, nothing without being upset. After I went home I ate and just watched tv and waited until it was time to go to bed. 1 day down, 4 more to go before school starts. 4 painful and depressing days before I gotta put a fake smile on my face and makes friends.

Short StoryFrom what a girl remembers when she was little that lead up to who she is and why why she is the way she is.