Last Romeo(Dongwoo-Infinite)

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I don't care if it's poison, I will gladly take it

"Y/n, what are we doing tonight?" Dong woo asked as he sat beside you on your couch.

"Uhm.....movies and pizza?"

He laughed, "So we're staying in and being lazy?"

"Yup, pretty much. That's okay, right?"

"Getting to spend the day watching movies with just us? Of course I'm okay with that, doof." He kissed your cheek and smiled.

You blushed and looked away from him, "You want to choose a movie?"

He nodded and got up, heading to the cabinet that kept the movies in it. You watched him and thought about how lucky you were to have someone like him in your life, especially seeing how he was everything you never thought you could have. Different memories that you've shared with him through the past 3 years suddenly played in your mind. 

No other temptation can be sweeter or stronger than you

"Ya ya ya ya y/n....." You blinked when fingers snapped in front of your face. You looked to your left to find Dong woo staring at you in confusion, "You alright?"

"Hmm..? Oh yeah, I was just day dreaming."

He sat back and looked through the movies he had in his hands, "Ok, then what movie do you want to watch first?" You looked at the choices and saw your favorite movie, (random movie), and excitedly picked it up and ran to put it in. Smiling, you ran back to the couch and curled up underneath your movie blanket. 

Once the movie had started you felt something poke your side, so you moved a little and got resettled. A couple minutes later you felt something poke you again so you looked down at your side to see a finger. Looking up, you saw Dong woo pouting as he started poking you again. 

"Ya, Jang Dong Woo what are you poking me for?"

"You're stealing all of the blanket! Didn't your parents ever teach you to share?"

You rolled your eyes and held the blanket out for him to get under making him smile triumphantly. Pleased, he scooted towards you and put his arm around your shoulder to get more comfortable then he kissed your cheek. "Thank you, jagi."

The dazzling you swallows all the darkness of the world and that light blinds me

Halfway through the movie you felt Dong woo's eyes on you and looked out of the corner of your eye to see him staring at you with a smile on his face. Confused, you looked at him and asked, "Why are you staring at me?"

He kept smiling and lightly pinched your cheek, "Sweetie, I love you."

You blushed and smiled shyly, "I love you too, Dong woo."

He pulled you closer and kissed your head before going back to watch the movie. And even though you tried to turn your attention to the movie you were stuck thinking about everything that's happened between you two again. Sure there were fights and arguments, but somehow that made you love him even more and made you realize you want him to be in your life longer. You didn't like the fact that one day he could leave you, the possibility that one day he could stop loving you or realize that he never in fact did love you.

Shaking your head you stopped thinking about that and started thinking about the good things, the future you want to have with him. You wanted to have days just like this, with the two of you snuggled up on the couch watching your favorite movies and joking with each other. You want to keep him forever, but you felt uneasy about the fact that Dong woo might not feel the same. Unknowingly you had started to cry and felt Dong woo touch your face with his finger.

Any kind of darkness loses its strength in front of you, I only need you

"Y/n,  what's wrong? It hasn't even gotten to the sad part yet."

You looked at him and quickly wiped your face, "Oh, it's nothing. I don't even know why I'm crying."

He studied your face and sighed, he grabbed your face between his hands and slowly leaned down and kissed you. After a couple of seconds, that honestly felt like blissful hours, later he slowly pulled away and kissed your cheeks erasing the evidence you were crying. He layed his forehead against yours and smiled. "Jagiya, there's something I've been wanting to ask you."

You looked up at him in question and swallowed nervously. He bit his lip, stood up, then knelt in front of you on one knee. "Honey, you mean so much to me. Will you marry me?"

Your eyes widened and you felt tears start filling your eyes. "Dong woo, I-i love you so much. Y-yes I'll marry you!"

And so, as Dong woo embraced you and put the ring on your finger you realized that even throughout all your worrying he was always there for you and would never leave you. And for now, you thought, just for now you wanted to keep Dong woo for yourself and stay in this moment forever.

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