Crazy, Sexy, Cool(AstroxReader)

542 20 6

Requested by: thatweridoTahlia

~An irreplaceable and strange charm, it fills me up without any space to breathe. I'm getting a feeling. My actions are already instinctive. We're both reacting to this feeling, we're pulled to each other. Crazy, sexy, cool. The end to this breathtaking feeling. I'm feeling you through the wind. From now on, you're my dream. You're the dance I want to dance. The wind is like your breath~


Your eye twitched and you took a deep breath to control yourself before you burst out in anger at the younger boy who kept poking your arm, and possibly digging his own grave. "Sanha, I've told you once and I'll tell you again......You do not need that lightsaber toy!"

The younger, but extremely taller, boy instantly pouted and folded his arms across his chest, officially throwing a fit since you weren't going to get him his toy. The two older boys beside you rolled their eyes and shook their head at the maknae's childishness. JinJin sighed and patted the youngest's back before leading him down the aisle away from the wanted toy. 

"I hate seeing him pout," you mumbled to Eunwoo who was smiling down at you. 

He set his hand on your head and ruffled your bangs before heading off after the other two that looked the opposite ages of what they were, JinJin now looking the youngest due to his small frame. You laughed at the sight and turned to see Moonbin and Rocky being amazed by a singing toy. 

Shaking your head you grabbed the two boys' arms and sent them in front of you after others though you stopped short when you noticed that the oldest, yet the youngest mentally probably, was not with the small group of you guys. Turning around you didn't see him and silently started to panic.

"Uh, Moonbin-ah come here for a second," you called out to the younger boy who turned and gave you a small smile as he headed back towards you. 

"Yeah noona?" He asked as he glanced back over to the singing toy making you scowl.

"Can you help," you paused and looked at the rest of the group making sure none of them could hear you. "Can you help me look for MJ? I don't know where he went and if I ask the others you know what they'll do."

Moonbin nodded as you both recalled what happened the last time one of them went missing in the store. Let's just say that there was a lot of dramatic panicked screams and running around, which resulted in things falling and sometimes breaking. He quickly agreed and kept quiet knowing that you didn't want another mishap. 

"Hey guys," you called out making them turn and look at you, "Moonbin and I are going to go get the milk, do you think you can go get the noodles for me?" You asked sweetly making sure to give them a task where no one would break anything. "Oh and you know the rules, JinJin's in charge."

"Why always him?" Sanha asked with a pout.

You turned to him with a straight face, "Because if it were you the store would be burnt down. He's the leader for a reason, listen to him."

He pouted but nodded anyways, "Yes ma'am."

You and Moonbin watched as they turned and headed away from you two before turning to each other and nodding. "Let's go."

~I'm going crazy. So easy to love you so easy to love you. You're dazzling, gorgeous babe. By your side an aromatic breath blows over like the wind (By your side) I can't escape. I can see my reflection in your eyes. It's a romantic miracle, look carefully, dreams come true. Everything is the first for us. A couple whose each day will be special, that's us~

"Myungjun~" You called out softly as you peeked around the shelves. "Myungjun!" You were now whisper shouting as to not be too loud. 

"Uh, noona I don't think we're going to find him over here," Moonbin said as he walked beside you nevertheless looking down the aisles as well. 

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