
427 16 1

Requested by: thisisourdistrict9

~It could be love and we could be homies, and once you get to know me I could be your one and only. I could make you unlonely. Oh, we could take it slowly and we could keep it low-key. I could be your one and only. I could make you unlonely. I've been chasing summer around searching for the sunshine looking for a good time, Following the good vibes, sistening to intuition as it's happening. Diggin' into life 'cause at times it can be saddening. Yeah, it could be a gray day. If you're lonely a little rain suddenly turns heavy but a whole lot of love can make the clouds go away. Maybe the time for us is now~

"Yixing!! I missed you," you told him with a pout, "I haven't talked to you in months."

"I know, I'm so sorry y/n. We're planning the come back so we've been so busy with practicing the dances, recording the album, and just planning in general."

You sighed but smiled, "It's fine. I understand. Just make sure you don't overwork yourself okay?"

"Of course," he said with a smile, "You look like you need some rest yourself, stop worrying about others and worry about yourself once in a while."

"Lay, ready to head to the photo shoot?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

"Ok~," there was a pause before you heard a yell suddenly, "Y/n!" A voice said happily as a face jumped in front of the screen.

"Oh, Baekhyun~ What's up?" You asked him, a wide smile on your face.

He pouted and started to whine, "Y/n~ It's so tiring. Can I come escape to your place?"

You laughed and shook your head, "You're gonna travel all the way to China to escape the come back preparations?"

"Can't I? Or do you not love me anymore?" He asked with a pout making you smile. "Fine, I see how it is, you love Lay hyung more than you love me."

"Baekhyun hyung, Lay hyung, Suho hyung says that we have to leave now." You heard Sehun say as he popped his head through their doorway. "Oh, noona~"

"Hey, Sehun."

"Noona, when are you coming to visit again?" He asked as he pushed his head in between Baek's and Lay's.

"Uhm, I'm not sure. Maybe after exams," You trailed off as you tried to keep the lid on your own plans.

Both Sehun and Baekhyun frowned before Lay shook his head and nudged the two. "Alright, stop pestering her. Let's go before Junmyeon gets upset."

"Okay, bye Y/n!"

"Bye y/n!"

You waved and said good bye to both of them before the screen showed Yixing again. "Alright, I'll call you later okay?"

"Sure, bye Yixing. Be careful!"


You sighed as the video call ended and you were left looked at Yixing's contact picture which was a picture of the both of you, smiling at the camera.

"Babe, do you want to go out for dinner?" Your boyfriend asked as he poked his head through the kitchen doorway.

You smiled at him and stood from the couch, heading over to him and wrapping your arms around him for a hug. "I was actually planning on making dinner."

"Really? What?"

"[Favorite Chinese dish]," you said as you watched him smile widely.

"Oh~? Is there a reason we're having my favorite?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

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