You're So Fly (Minhyuk- BTOB)

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{A/n: Yesterdays Q&A was awesome!! I can't believe I have readers from so many different places :O I'll put some of them down at the end of the imagine so make sure to read til the end!! If more people comment their answers I'll add them to the list c:}

#99!!! 1 MORE AND WE'LL HAVE 100 IMAGINES!!!! WOO!! I'm gonna get all emotional man x'D

Requested by: AisyahMelody on Quotev

~On a starry night, my heart pounds. The moment my eyes looked at you I start to imagine you next to me. I hope this moment will stop baby. Oh this is the moment. There's no need to think about it, just come into my arms. The place to be is a club filled with girls? No no, I'll follow you around like your private soldier, like a flowing stream. Lala, I'm heart is pounding, hot hot, it's getting hot, look at me. I mean what I say, don't play hard to get, don't spin around but just come right now~

"Minhyuk, will you stop following me around?" You asked your boyfriend, annoyed, for the fifth time that night. 

He kept his gaze around the room and narrowed his eyes at some of the guys looking at you guys, "Of course not, do you see how many guys are here? Staring at you?!"

You rolled your eyes and shook your head, not believing the length his jealousy could go to. "It's not like any one of them would try anything with how close you are to me. I mean, you're practically on top of me."

He smirked and your eyes widened before you smacked his arm, "Not like that!"

He laughed and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling him closer to him and shooting another glare to yet another unfortunate guy. The both of you finally found your group of friends and walked over to their table sitting down and greeting everyone. Minah, Hyunsik's girlfriend turned towards you and started to talk to you keeping you company while the others caught up with each other. 

You and Minah had each other laughing and you were having a great time, glad that Minhyuk had convinced you into coming with him. The other boys talked to you as well and made you laugh but you were constantly distracted by Minhyuk pulling you to closer to him every few minutes. In result you were now scowling and looking at Minhyuk through the corner of your eye.

"Seriously Minhyuk? I'm feeling a bit claustrophobic right now."

He leaned closer to your ear, "But I wanna be close to you. I only have a few days left to spend with you and I don't want to waste a single moment."

Your heart swelled at his words and your scowl turned into a smile, but you didn't say anything just laid your head on his shoulder and ignored the jabs the boys threw at the both of you.

~You're so fly, from your head, shoulders, waist and legs. You're so fly, your softly smiling face. My heart races after looking at you. It doesn't know how to stop, I'm not joking around, you're so fly. Lalala lalala lalalala lalala lalala lalala lalala. My eyes keep going to you, my heart keeps going to you. The more I see you, the more dazzling you are, you're so pretty, you're so fly~

After about two hours you and Minhyuk decided to head home since it was getting pretty late and Minhyuk said he had a special day planned for tomorrow. The both of you were walking down the street under the street lamps and Minhyuk's arm was wrapped around your waist as he held you close. The moon helping light the path when there was no lamp made it even more special.

"Minhyuk," you said lowly almost whispering, "I wish time would freeze right now. I wish we could stay like this forever."

He glanced down at you and smiled lightly, "Yeah, me too."

The both of you sat down on a bench and looked up at the stars as you laid your head on his shoulder, both too comfortable to move. You let out a contented sigh and closed your eyes as you let yourself relax back into his hold, hit grip tightening around you and him laying his head on your chin.

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