Jack Dervin

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I'm Jack Dervin. Captain of the football team and resident ladies man. Yep you heard that right, the minute I walk through the halls of Brington High all the girls just swoon... well except for a certain girl.

Annabeth Chase. Now she's the full package! She's smart (for a blond..no offense to anyone..it's just the character)beautiful beyond compare, athletic and the thing I loved the most was her grey eyes. They seem to calculate your every move and one glance at them can render you stiff. She had a mysterious past though.

Everytime school ended she goes away as perfect as she can be but when she comes back, her body is filled with scars so light you couldn't even notice it if you don't look close enough. I've been her best friend for 2 years now, playing the waiting game, and let me tell you it was hard to decline the other girls but I was trying to show Annabeth that I was faithful to her only. But this year, I feel confident that the next time I walk the hallways Annabeth Chase would be mine.

"Hey Annie" I called out as I approached her locker. She smiled at me as she closed the locker shut, shouldering her backpack

"Hey Jack, how was your summer?" She asked me while fixing her stuff. I leaned on a random locker blowing my dark brown hair away from my eyes, showing my warm brown eyes

"You know the usual. Workout, kickback and relax, the works" I said smiling a bit. "How 'bout you?" I asked in return. Her facial expression changed from surprised to a bit of fear to a happy one. She sighed,"It's been... interesting. But I most definitely did not relax... like most summers" she shrugged as we began walking. That's when I noticed that she had new scars covering her face and neck but like the rest it was barely noticeable.

"How do you do that?" I asked her. She looked at me confused

"Do what exactly"

"You know, the thing with all your scars. As far as I know scars are pretty hard to cover up but yours are barely noticeable" I said pointing to her scars

"It's hard to keep this face pretty you know" I joked making her laugh a bit

"It's uh, pretty complicated stuff and as far as I know you probably wouldn't be able to use the stuff I use" she said making me confused. What did she mean I wouldn't be able to use it?

"Okay then, but the answer I want is how you even got that much scars. I mean your dad seems to love you very much, so does your mom" I asked softly. She stopped for a bit but quickly regained her composure

"Ummm" was all she said as the bell rang. Relief flashed through her face as he heard it.

"I gotta go, see ya" she said running off to her class. I sighed as I stared at the direction she went. After school, I will make my move. I mean who could resist all this?

"Hey Jack" a random girl said in a flirtatious way. I smirked as she blushed and walked the other way. She just made my point
Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus

Chapter 1: Jack's POV

I'm Jack Dervin. Captain of the football team and resident ladies man. Yep you heard that right, the minute I walk through the halls of Brington High all the girls just swoon... well except for a certain girl.

Annabeth Chase. Now she's the full package! She's smart (for a blond) beautiful beyond compare, athletic and the thing I loved the most was her grey eyes. They seem to calculate your every move and one glance at them can render you stiff. She had a mysterious past though. Everytime school ended she goes away as perfect as she can be but when she comes back, her body is filled with scars so light you couldn't even notice it if you don't look close enough. I've been her best friend for 2 years now, playing the waiting game, and let me tell you it was hard to decline the other girls but I was trying to show Annabeth that I was faithful to her only. But this year, I feel confident that the next time I walk the hallways Annabeth Chase would be mine.

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