The panic

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Mark's pov

Marzia was next.

I knew. And she knew. Even her parents knew. We all knew, and that is what caused 'the panic'.

"Maybe if we move Marzia outside of town for a few weeks! She won't find her there right?" Marzia's mom asked me and I shook my head sheepishly

"No, the girl kid napping all these people is insane. When she goes after Marzia she will defiantly find her, putting her in a different town would only make the wait for the others longer" I said making Marzia shiver into my arms.

"She won't hurt me will she?" Marzia said and I looked at her parents her were filled with tremendous amounts of fear

"N-no!" I said while giving a fake smile
Liar Liar Liar!
A voice in my head spoke and I frowned
"Shut up Alex" I muttered very quietly only making Marzia look up very confused at me.

I obtained 'Alex' about a week ago. I believe I'm going absolutely insane or something, but I'm not sure how to get rid of it so I just gave it a non-gender name and moved on with my life. I felt Marzia move out of my arms and stand in between me and her parents

"We need to put me out as bait" she muttered quieter than usual and her parents suddenly stiffened up and her dad grabbed her arm.

"Honey you know this girl is kidnapping right? You would be giving yourself away to a kidnapper" they were calm in the situation

"But it's Felix, and Jack, and (y/n) WE CANT JUST LET THEM DIE! YOU KNOW THAT MARK YOU KNOW WE HAVE TO DO THIS" I stepped away from Marzia in pure shock. She was sobbing now, and she look terrified. I watched as she wiped away her tears and looked up at me

"Mark  I'm begging you, let this all be over with." She whispered and I looked at her not knowing what to say. She had more than likely been holding all that back for a while now. I nodded and she let out a little chuckle

"I'll be okay. I'll be okay." She said over and over again to herself. You did this Mark, you know that right? YOU DID THIS TO ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS I didn't. I can't help that this all happened, right?  

Her parents glanced at each other. The silence spoke enough, they were contemplating i.

"She-she won't get hurt will she?" Her mother spoke up, her voice shaking in fear.
I wasn't sure. I knew that she probably would but I couldn't say that. Marzia looked at me and gave me a sideways smile.

"No. No she won't get hurt, and she will be okay by the time we get all them back." LIAR! Marzia winked at me because her parents were looking at each other.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but okay. How are we going to do this?" Her mother said while her father stayed quiet and looked at us.

"Well Felix got kidnapped over near the cafe. We should go there" I said and Marzia stood up.

"I'm going to get comfortable. We will leave as soon as possible tonight... I'll be okay" Marzia said and got up quickly, rushing to her room. I rubbed the temples of my head and sat on the couch. Her parents obviously didn't know what to do. They stayed quiet until I heard someone stumping down the hall into the living room. Marzia came in wearing felix's blue brofist t-shirt and some of her grey sweatpants. She gave a huge smile.

"Let's go!" She said and grabbed my hand and tried to run out the door with me

"HOLD ON MARZIA YOU ARE ABOUT TO GET KIDNAPPED AND YOU DONT EVEN WANT TO SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR PARENTS???" I yelled and she stopped and walked over to her parents who were both very afraid.

"Guys, I'll be back before you know it" I was surprised Marzia was this brave. She knew she was risking so much right now and yet she was excited to do this. Before I knew it she was hugging her parents and saying her goodbyes, trying to have hope that she would see them soon. She grabbed my hand and ran out of the house. Once we stepped outside she looked at me

"We should walk there. I think what ever her name is does not want us driving" Marzia said and shrugged

"The cafe is not that far so sure..." I said and she nodded. I didn't trust this at all. I had a horrible gut feeling, that hopefully would go away quickly.

We walked for quiet a while and I was starting to ponder if this was a good idea. It was getting very dark. Also maybe we could get them back another way... I wasn't sure what to do but I just didn't want to lose another friend.

"I can see the cafe... We are getting close" she said and started to walk faster. I stopped in my tracks

"Are you nervous?? Like why are you doing this? I mean this is insane!" I said and she stopped a few steps in front of me.

"Yes. Actually nervous is an understatement, I'm petrified. But I'm tired of calculations and planning when you just don't want to face what is actually happening, this is like that scary movie saw but with less murder and more mystery. I'm sick and tired of waiting...." She said and my mouth opened partly. I didn't know how to respond to that...

"Just...k-keep going..we have to h-hurry" I heard a weak voice say from behind Marzia. Marzia turned around and I squinted my eyes. I could barely see because it was so dark but I ignored the darkness and looked at three people walking down the street. When they passed the street light I squinted my eyes, the first thing I seen was a bright green mop of hair. I felt my heart jump and for a moment I was at lose of words.

"j...j.. JACK...SEAN WHAT EVER THE HELL YOU WANT TO BE CALLED" I screamed and he looked up.

"m-mark?" I heard him say in a quiet tone

I didn't take one second before I speed ran all the way to him. He dropped the person he was holding in the middle and let out a breath of relief.  I was about to reach him when I heard the loud noise and a bullet rammed right through his torso. He gasped in pain and his hands flew up to his torso.

"NO" I yelled and another gunshot ran out nearly hitting Marzia in the head but she was tackled to the ground by someone. A limb body fell to the ground beside Jack who was desperately trying to stay alive and was taking multiple gasps of air.

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