In france

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I sat next to (y/n) as we watched a movie. She leaned against me and smiled sweetly. I squeezed her hand carefully and she looked up at me with shining eyes.
"Mark, you won't ever leave me will you?" She asked and I looked down at her
"What?! N-never! Your my pride and joy...your my life"I said and she gave me a smile
"Okay lover boy"she said and I placed my lips on her head softly. Once I pulled away from kissing her head she looked back at the screen. It took her a few seconds before she looked back up to me and spoke again
"Prove it"she said and I looked at her while tilting my head a bit
"What? How do you expect me to prove it"I said and she looked down sheepishly
"Yea,I suppose it was stupid to ask"she rolled her eyes and face palmed.
"Hey look at me"I said and grabbed her hand, separating it from her face. She looked up at me with her doe eyes and I leaned in while placing my lips on hers. Our mouths moved in sync and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her in closer to me and she ran a hand through my hair. We-
~interrupted dream sponsored by author~
"This is your flight attendant speaking, we will be landing soon so prepare for turbulence" the lady over the radio thingy said and I rubbed my eyes. That was when we did the do to have the kids. I was finally in France...which means I can find (y/n) and get this all over with.

I brought out many phone and decided to look at some notifications on my Twitter. I seen a bunch of people going crazy about something somebody tweeted to me. I tried to figure out what they err yakking about and then I ran into a tweet.
"A little birdy told me you finally got back home! To bad you have to leave so soon to find me ~xoxo (y/n)"
SHE TWEETED ME?! I was trying not to freak out because there were people all around me. I tweeted back automatically
"Why haven't you been talking to anyone?! I miss you so much"
I tweeted and stuffed my phone in my pocket. It was to much to take in...She has the capability to talk to me on a phone and she isn't..
I was trying not to get mad knowing she had to have done this for a much bigger reason than I know. I was just lucky that Marzia and Felix decided to go to Italy the week (or two) I was going. I know I'm just gonna meet them up at the airport, say my hellos and go home to get done rest while I still can. The search for my Cinderella will begin tomorrow which gives me time to talk to some off my Italian fans over social media. Maybe ask them if they have seen her around. I was broken out of my boring daydreaming by the plane shaking and us slowly going down. I grabbed the end of my seat and thought about holding (y/n)s hand when we went to the trip to L.A. . She was so scared to be on the plane that she wouldn't let go of my hand the whole trip. I want gonna tell her that I was kinda scared to...i always am when I go on planes. She was the cutest little thing with her button nose and shiny (e/c) eyes. I especially loved the way her beautiful (h/c) hair flowed In the wind where ever she went.
Maybe that was it...maybe she didn't know how much I truly loved I blocked every one of her rare flaws and noticed all her beautys. When I find her I'm going to tell her every single thing I love about her and never ever let her go again.
«time skip»
I wheeled my suit case around until I seen a huge poster with my name on it. The words were in cursive so that means marzia wrote my name and Felix drew all the little things on the side. Most of the stuff he drew were dickbutts which made my face turn red from public embarrassment. I walked to them and automatically got a hug from Felix.
"MARKLE SPARKLE!" He yelled and I laughed.
"Nice to see you too Mr.pewdiepie" I said and I escaped the hug
"Hello mark, it's nice to finally meet you"I looked over at marzia and smiled. She was pretty in person but she was no comparison to (y/n)..gosh I can't get her out of my mind!
"Its nice to meet you too!" I smiled and they handed me the poster
"You can keep it or you can throw it away" marzia said and I smiled while heading to the trash can
"B-BUT MY DRAWINGS!"Felix said and dramatically reached for the poster. I heard some one slap him and him say ow. I turned around after throwing it away to see Felix rubbing his arm and marzia smirking.
I walked back to them and we started walking
"So how are the kiddos?" Marzia asked and I sighed
"They are doing good I suppose..they will be doing better once there mom gets back" I said and I seen Felix do a double take
"Wait did you finally pop the question?!"He asked and I shook my head
"No, just because I said there mom does not mean that we are married Felix"I said and me and marzia laughed a bit.
"Oh yeah" he laughed and I turned to him and her
"I could ask the same for you guys though..have you popped the question yet?" I asked in a curious voice and that turned to each other
"N-not yet, right Felix?" Marzia asked and he nodded while not saying anything.
"Here's out limo" Felix muttered and I shook my hands around
"Oh a limo! Fancy!" I seen them laugh and we drove off
I'll find you (y/n) I promise
Sorry this took so long to make but hey! I'm here now

Mycrush: Senpailovescake
Instagram: http_spoopy
Snap chat: HomeSliceOfPi

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